Chapter one

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As the bell for the end of the day sounded, I jumped out of my seat at the back of the classroom and quickly made my way out the door. Three weeks into my sophomore year at an all new school (having moved here over the summer with my mom -- although I use that term loosely, as she has never done much "mothering" since I came to live with her when I was nine), I had already developed a routine. I had to catch a public bus to get home (another term I use loosely, since it's always hard to call the trailers we lived in "home"), but if I didn't run to the bus stop as soon as I got out of class, I'd miss the bus and have to wait thirty minutes for the next one. 

So, I made my way through the halls, dodging the masses of students, at the same time remaining vigilant, lest I come across one or more of the bullies that had taken it upon themselves to give me a hard time since my first day. Usually it was just getting tripped in the hallway, shoved from behind, getting slammed into my locker, and of course the requisite name-calling, like "pussy boy," "loser," and "cocksucker." I'd found that bullies usually weren't that creative with their insults. 

The worst of them, the one who seemed to instigate all of it, was Trent Lomax - the King of Assholes. He wasn't the most popular kid in school, but he had his own group of friends and played on the school's basketball team. I was usually a target for him and his friends, considering the fact that I wasn't very big (I think "scrawny" is the word I've heard used to describe me), was obviously a "poor kid" (whereas Trent seemed to have plenty of money, what with the BMW he drove and designer clothes he wore every day), and never fought back. At least the small amount of bullying I had to endure at school was nothing compared to what I often had to face at home.

Anyway, my sprint to the bus stop usually took about ten minutes, and I'd figured it was at least a way for me to get a little exercise. I'd gotten to be pretty fast over the years, having to run away from my mom and the numerous "boyfriends" she brought home with her from time to time after long nights spent out drinking, as well as from the aforementioned bullies.

Shortly after I'd begun my after-school routine of sprinting to the bus stop, I'd learned of a short cut, by going across the sports practice field at the side of the school. As I started running down the slope towards the field, I noticed that they were having lacrosse practice ... a game I had absolutely no clue about, and had never even heard of until we moved here. Apparently, at our school, though, lacrosse was a big deal, but I'd never really paid much attention to sports of any kind. Anyway, I wasn't making very good time, so I just ran as hard as I could, not paying much attention to what was going on around me. I'd already made it about halfway across the field, when ...


I felt a sharp pain on my head and suddenly everything went dark.

Slowly, I started to hear noises all around me, something shaking my arm, and then the noises started to become a little clearer.

"Hey kid, are you okay?!"

"Can you hear me?!"

"Coach, you'd better get over here!!!"

As I started to process all of this in my now throbbing head, I slowly began to open my eyes, but everything looked blurry, and I felt a sharp pain shooting through my head.

My eyes finally began to focus, and I noticed a middle-aged man with a dark moustache looking at me and frowning. I guessed that he must be "Coach," since he was wearing a ball cap with the school's logo on the front and a whistle around his neck.

"Hey kid, are you okay? Can you hear me?" the coach asked.

"Uhhh ..." was all that I was capable of mumbling at the moment.

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