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it was another normal day at hillsbark high school; the annoying students, the annoying teachers, the annoying arguements, the annoying rules, the annoying classes. same old, same old.

michael slammed his locker shut after throwing in his history textbook.

"you hate history and mr. magdy that much?" calum laughs at the dyed haired boy.

"that, and that marley still hasn't noticed me. i sit right by her for fuck's sake! it is that hard to look to your right and maybe try to talk to whoever sits there?"

"calm down," calum warns. "people are staring."

"whatever," michael scoffs and slings his backpack over his shoulder. "we're going to vg club, right?"
"most deffinitly," calum smiles and leads the way.

fifteen minutes into the class and michael and calum are already fighting.

"no, you idiot! jesus, you were supposed to back me up not take away one of my lives!" michael yells.

"you told me to take away one of your lives!"
"why would i tell you to do that?"

"guys," ashton interupts them. his face is full of uncertainy. "be quiet for a second."

michael and calum freeze and they suddenly hear noises coming from the closet. ashton walks slowly towards the door, and opens it quickly all at once.

there stood marley and ryder, heavily making out in the video game club room.

they pull themselves off each other and look ahead in flushed faces, but ashton slammed the door shut before anyone could say anything.

to say michael was hurt was an understatement.

he knew absoluetly everything about marley; he didn't know she wasn't single.

he kept quiet through this all, as calum, being the only who knew about this more-than-a-crush thing, stared at him deeply.

"you wanna keep playing, michael?" michael nodded and unpaused the game.

"michael, watch out!"

"michael, help me out over here!"
"michael, kill him, i ran out of bullets!"

it was like a one-way conversation. and it was like this for half an hour or so.

"guys - well, calum, be quiet again please." ashton asks. "i just heard something turn the rv down."
michael pauses the game and turns down the volume all the way. it stays silent for ten seconds, when suddenly, there was a gunshot.

ashton runs to the doors and locks them. calum unplugged everything out of the outlets. michael closed the window's shades. ashton turned off the lights and ordered the other two boys to go sit in the corner and stay low.

"everything will be alright," ashton whispered, trying to persuade himself that more than calum and michael. "everything will be fine," he takes a deep breath.

"what about...," michael trails off pointing to the door.

there was a loud bang at the door, and a teared marley soon came out. she rushed to the opposite side where the three boys were sitting.

she was crying, but she kept all her sobs in. she wasn't loud enough to be heard.

"hey," calum spoke up, softly. "everything's going to be alright. okay, marley?"
although calum was the one who said it, she smiled at michael.

michael was nervously rocking back and forth biting on his nails, staring straight ahead at marley. he wanted to smile back but he couldn't. he couldn't smile at the love of his life because he knew he was going to die. today was the day michael thought he'd die.


so this is the first chapter / prologue.  if you know the little preferance about marley and ryder i love you a lottle ok. this book isnt starting soon, i just wanted to put this up before it officialy starts :-)

dedication goes to paige, @fivesaucewhoop, because she is the fanfiction queen and no others slay more than her

i just said slay deal with it

okay vote and comment :)

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