The party.

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madison.foley: Party ready!

                      hannahbakersdozen: I swear my best friend can't possibly get any prettier!

                     jessicalovesjustin: Hurry up and get your ass here bby!

                    foley.j: Hey cuz u gotta hurry up. Jess is driving me crazy waiting on u lol

         brycethemanwalker: I swear you're always the hottest girl in the room. I'll rock your world if you'll let me ;)

foley.j:  brycethemanwalker Dude wtf did I tell u about talking to her like that

littletonyp: Maddie, you always look so pretty. You're BEAUTIFUL, ignore guys like Bryce.

montydelasexy: U already have ur bitch face on I see 🙈

madison.foley: Thank you to anyone who gave me kind comments! I love you all. Now, for more important business... brycethemanwalker, I will never in a million years touch you. You repulse me. And montydelasexy, you've gotta know that the bitch face is directed towards your ass. And you wonder why I can't stand you 🙄

baseballplayerjeff: She only gives that look to u man. Should tell u something montydelasexy

                                                                     Load more comments...

I walked into the party about an hour after it started. It was at Jessica's house since her parents were out of town. It was the first party of junior year and she couldn't be happier about that. I purposely got there a little bit late because I didn't want to be in the group of the "awkward first few that arrive". I had learned from showing up to parties on time or even a little bit late that you were probably going to be just about the only one there for awhile; so now I arrive at least an hour late, if not more. I looked around and the first person that I spotted was Jeff. I went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. Once he turned around he gave me the biggest smile and picked me up, causing me to giggle. "So you're still sticking to your theory that you have a better time if you show up to parties late, huh?" He asked while laughing. "Yeah, I am actually. So far my theory has been completely true. Like right now, I'm already having a good time but if I had gotten here earlier, I bet I would've left by now." I told him with a small smile. "You're crazy, Maddie." He laughed and walked off to socialize some more. That was Jeff for you, always happy and ready to socialize with any and everybody. I walked into the kitchen to get a drink which is where I spotted Hannah and Clay. "Hey, best friend!" I shouted as I went behind Hannah and covered her eyes. "Could that actually be the great Madison Foley?" Hannah turned around smiling at me after she took my hands off of her eyes. "Whatcha drinking on, Hannah banana?" I asked her while sniffing her cup. I wrinkled my nose once I realized that it was Vodka mixed with some sort of fruity drink. I was a whiskey or beer girl, through and through. "Nothing that you would be interested in, I can assure you of that." She handed me the bottle of Jack Daniel's that was on the counter and some coke. "You totally don't look like a girl that would drink that crap." Clay laughed. "Yeah well, I'm full of surprises." I replied before getting on my tip toes to whisper in Hannah's ear. "I'm gonna go somewhere else so ya'll can be alone, tell me EVERYTHING later." She chuckled under her breath and playfully slapped my arm. I smiled at both of them and told them not to get into too much trouble before heading into the living room. Not surprisingly, everyone was playing suck and blow. A stupid game that was pretty much just invented to get drunk and horny teenagers to make out. I didn't want to just stand there though, so I chugged my entire drink as fast as I could and went to sit on the couch. It went straight to my head. I realized that I probably put way more whiskey in it than I should have and I definitely shouldn't have chugged it. I felt pretty good though. "You look like you wanna drink tonight, cuz. Here, drink this." Justin handed me a shot to take with him, laughing since he had witnessed me chugging my drink. That one shot that we took together turned into 4 shots that we took together. Now I was giggly, flirty, and honestly kind of drunk. Right before we were about to start the game, three people walked in to sit in the living room too. Hannah and Clay sat by Jessica and Justin but decided against playing. To my dismay, Montgomery was the third person to walk in and he chose to sit next to me, completely intending on playing the game. "Oh no, no, no. Move your ass somewhere else." I said to him while pointing my finger into his chest. Wow, it was really firm. "What, is little Foley afraid to play a little suck and blow with the great Monty?" He responded to me with a little smirk on his face. I glared at him, I hated that fucking smirk of his and his everyone is beneath me attitude. "Fuck off, De La Cruz. I'm gonna kick your ass at this game." "We'll see about that one, babe." He whispered right in my face, once again with that horrible smirk still plastered on his face. Even with the smirk, I noticed how long his eyelashes were, how innocent his eyes looked, and that he was actually just all around handsome. He smelled pretty good too. "Okay, can we cut it with the sexual tension between you two and play the game?" Bryce asked while chuckling. "Oh please, Lord, don't let my little cousin have sexual tension with Monty." Justin said while he put his hands together and looked towards the ceiling, as if he was praying. I leaned over Montgomery and playfully hit Justin in the chest. "There is absolutely zero sexual tension between us. I hate him, remember?" I slurred my words a little bit and started giggling. "I think you might be developing a little crush on me." Monty whispered in my ear once the game had started. I let out a big fake laugh until I noticed him smirking but in a different way than usual. It didn't look like a sexual smirk, or a fuck you smirk, it looked like a devious smirk. I immediately stopped laughing and looked away. My heart started to nervously pound because I was afraid that his devious smirk meant he was going to do something to me that I wasn't going to like. Jess and Justin had quickly switched seats so that Justin and Monty wouldn't have to play together. Jessica easily passed the card off to Montgomery and then he quickly turned to me. I leaned in but as soon as my lips were about to touch the card he blew it off and kissed me instead. I tensed up and tried to pull back but he had a pretty good grip on me. That's when I realized that that was why he was smirking at me. I decided that the only way out of this was to kiss back until someone got mad about wanting to play the game and separated us. The alcohol in my system took over and I started kissing him back. I even put my hands on each side of his face. Our tongues battled for dominance. I could hear everyone in the background laughing and I was silently praying that Monty would let me go and be satisfied that he got what he wanted. As soon as he pulled back, I slapped him across the face. "I literally just had to make out with you to get you to let me go, De La Cruz. I can't fucking stand you. Now I have to go wash my mouth out with soap and hope that your whore germs haven't already spread to me." I shouted at him before storming off. I walked into the bathroom and right as I was about to shut the door, Hannah walked in behind me. "That was a little harsh, Maddie." "He shoved his tongue down my throat, Hannah!" I said exasperatedly. "That's not the problem though is it? The problem is that you actually liked kissing asshole Monty. I mean, I can't say I blame you. He's very easy on the eyes."  She was smirking now. What is with people and those ugly smirks? "Sorry, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little." I said while fake gagging. "Can it, sister. I'm on to you." She started shoving me out the door while laughing. I started to feel bad. Maybe Hannah was right and I was a little harsh. I probably shouldn't have slapped him either. With his temper, I'm lucky he didn't haul back and knock me out right there. "I think you were right about me being harsh, I'll be right back." I told Hannah as I started to walk off. "Do the right thing, Maddison!" She called back to me and I jokingly gave her the finger before I was out of her sight.

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