How could you not tell me?

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Nine months later...

I laid in the hospital bed waiting for him to come in. I knew he was going to be angry with me. So mad and hurt he might never be able to forgive me. I looked down at my fingers as I anxiously played with them. I knew that what I did was wrong and I took something away from him but it was out of fear. If it had been up to me, I wouldn't have called him. I never would've told him but Bryce couldn't stand it anymore and he called as soon as everyone arrived at the hospital. Justin and Hannah kept trying to reassure me that everything would be okay and tried to convince me not to be too mad at Bryce because he was just doing what he felt was right. Deep down, I knew that it was right. I nervously took a breath and started chewing on some ice to try to calm my nerves. It was one in the morning. It was just my luck that this would happen during the hours that I would normally be peacefully sleeping. I threw my head back on my pillow before looking towards the door whenever I heard Justin coming in. "They're here, Maddie." He whispered while grabbing my hand. "They?" I questioned. He lightly nodded his head in response which caused me to groan. Of course she would come too. I gave Justin a weak smile before nodding in approval that they could come in. A few seconds later, Monty and Julie walked into my room. I quickly looked away once I saw that Julie's eyes were red from crying. I felt a presence near me and I assumed that it was Julie by the scent of her perfume. "Madison, it's okay. I know that you're sorry and that it wasn't done to hurt me. Montgomery explained everything to me." She said while reaching out to caress my arm. I slowly looked up at her with guilty tears in my eyes. I knew what it felt like to be cheated on and now I was the other woman. My heart ached for her. " so sorry Julie." I whispered before quickly wiping the fallen tears off my face. She told me that it was okay and then brought me in for an embrace. I looked over her shoulder and saw Monty with his head down. I knew I had probably hurt him more than I had hurt Julie. I gently pulled back from Julie before clearing my throat. "Do you have anything you'd like to say?" I whispered to him. Both Justin and Julie looked at him expectantly. He sighed and took a step forward before responding. "Can I have a minute alone with Madison, please?" He said while never breaking eye contact with me. They both nodded their heads before walking out and lightly closing the door behind them. We continued to stare each other down, neither of us sure of how to start the conversation. Out of nowhere, a strong contraction came on, causing me to wince and tightly grab onto the bed railings with each hand. Monty quickly ran over to me and took my hand in his own. "Squeeze as hard as you need to." He said gently while rubbing soothing circles over the top of my hand with his thumb. I followed his command and squeezed as hard as I could. Within a few seconds the contraction let up so I loosened my grip on his hand and then gently removed mine. "Can I sit?" He asked while motioning to my hospital bed. I gave him a small smile and scooted over to make room for him. He sat down next to me and I noticed him staring at my large bump and fidgeting with his hands. "You can touch it if you want to." I said while pulling my hospital gown up so that he could see it under clothes. He shyly placed his hand on it and I nodded in encouragement. He loosened up and start to rub it. I saw a look of bewilderment pass over his face whenever he felt his son kick for the first time. Tears were welling up in his eyes which was the last thing I expected to see out of him. "How could you not tell me, Madison?" He whispered while looking up to make eye contact with me. He didn't look angry at all, only hurt. I started to cry and I had to take a deep breath to speak. "I'm so sorry, Monty. I didn't tell you because I was scared of how you would react and I also didn't want to ruin your relationship with Julie and potentially end  the life that y'all were creating together." I whispered. He surprised me whenever he pulled me in for a hug. "I'm hurt but I understand why you did what you did. Now I know why you blocked me from everything  too." He said with a little chuckle at the end. I nodded my head and gave him an apologetic smile. "Bryce said it's a boy. Is that true?" He asked me with a little hopeful glint in his eye. "Yeah, you're having a son." I said with a grin on my face. "We. We're having a son." He responded matter of factly. I chuckled at his statement before having to grab onto him once another contraction hit. I gripped onto his arms and buried my face into his shoulder until it stopped. After giving me a minute to collect myself, he spoke up again. "Have you picked a name for him?" I gave him a gentle smile before telling him. "Easton." His eyes grew wide and he was grinning from ear to ear. After I had my miscarriage, Monty and I had discussed what name we would've picked for each gender. Easton is the name he always liked for a boy, which is why I picked it. He pulled me in for another hug, this one tighter. "Do you think we could be friends again?" I asked once we pulled back. He smiled at me and playfully patted the top of my head. "You've always been my best friend, Maddie." I smiled so hard at his statement that my cheeks hurt. "What about Julie? Do you think you could be friends with her?" He asked me carefully after a moment. I leaned back on my pillow and bit my lip for a minute while thinking. I sat up and sighed. "Yeah, I think I can be friends with her. For you."

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