Go ahead and watch my heart burn.

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The next day at school, I did everything I could to avoid Monty. In first period, I purposely sat in a seat where he couldn't sit next to me and I refused to make eye contact every time he tried to. I felt Miss Weathers eyes on me multiple times and I knew that Monty must've told her that I knew. When the bell rang, I immediately jumped up and pushed my way out the door. Before I could get down the hallway though, I heard her voice calling to me. "Miss Foley, Mr. De La Cruz, could I talk to you both for a moment please?" I slowly turned around and reluctantly made my way back into the classroom, right behind Monty. Miss Weathers leaned back against her desk after shutting the door behind us. I sat down in one of the front desks and crossed my arms over my chest. My eyes widened in surprise whenever Miss Weathers pulled Monty in for a kiss right in front of me. I looked away in disgust. I heard them both clear their throat so I slowly looked back at them, they were both staring at me. "I told you yesterday, Montgomery, I'm not gonna tell anyone." I mumbled. I looked down at the desk and started to play with my hands. I could feel their eyes boring into my head but I couldn't get any more uncomfortable than I already was. "Why won't you look at me, Maddie?" Monty asked with a sad tone. "It's just a lot to take in all at once, right Madison?" Miss Weathers spoke up. I rolled my eyes at the fact that she thought she knew me at all. "It's a little strange to know that my ex boyfriend has moved on with a fucking teacher of all people." I snapped. They both jumped back a little at my outburst and I could see the sadness in Monty's eyes. "Look, I said your secret is safe with me and unlike some people, I'm a woman of my word. I won't tell anyone but just keep me the hell out of it." I said while grabbing my stuff and heading out the door. "Madison!" Monty shouted down the hallway but I just kept moving. The last thing I wanted was to be apart of was my ex boyfriend's illegal relationship with his teacher. 

During lunch, Monty had a "tutoring session" with Miss Weathers. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing whenever Marcus said how good he thought it was that Monty was clearly trying get his grades up. His grades weren't the only thing that was going up with Miss Weathers around. I kept to myself for the majority of lunch which was a good thing because everyone was talking about either how hot Miss Weathers is or how much they like her as a teacher. I would've had some not so nice things to say about her if I put my input in. "You don't have too much to say today, Maddie." Justin said to me. Before I could respond, I could smell Monty's cologne mixed with the smell of sex behind me. I wrinkled my nose at the combination. "Why aren't you talking?" He asked me, still standing behind me. "You don't want me to answer that, trust me." I  responded before roughly pushing my chair back into him and then getting up and walking out of the cafeteria. I stood next to the doors, knowing that Montgomery would be stomping out after me at any second. Sure enough, a couple of seconds later he stormed out and walked up to me once he spotted me. "Why are you doing this?" He snapped at me. I scoffed at him for trying to put the blame on me. "I'm not doing anything. I'm keeping your precious little secret so you might wanna watch your tone with me." I spat out. I took a breath before speaking again. "I don't want anything to do with you, so just leave me alone. You and your little girlfriend can stop stalking me out of fear that I'm gonna tell someone because I won't. Our relationship, whatever it was, is completely done with though. I will be cordial with you whenever you're around but you and I, are nothing more than ex's at this point." I said while motioning between the two of us.   He stepped back with his mouth agape. "We were supposed to be together, we were supposed to have a baby together. You were supposed to be with me." I half whispered, half cried out. As soon as he took a step towards me, Miss Weathers voice rang through the hallway. "Monty, leave her be. You're just causing her more pain." I looked over to her and whispered a thank you before running off in the other direction. I never should've let Monty in. I should've kept my guard up with him and I wouldn't be in the pain that I'm in now. "Monty is fucking Miss Weathers, isn't he?" I jumped at the sound of Bryce's voice and spun around. "What are you talking about?" I said while nervously chuckling. He smiled and rolled his eyes before stepping closer to me. "I'm not dumb. He comes back from his little "tutoring sessions" with her smelling like sex and with new hickey's just about every time. She keeps randomly showing up around him constantly 'needing his help with something', the two of you have seemed like you're really falling apart the past couple of days, and I just overheard ya'lls argument because I came to make sure you were okay." I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion.  "You came to check on me? Since when do you care about how I am?" I scoffed at him. "I've always cared. You're my best friends little cousin and we've known each other for years. You've been dealing with a lot of shit the past few months too. I'm sorry that I contributed to that." He responded. He looked completely sincere. I gave him a small smile before replying. "Thank you, Bryce. That really means a lot." I whispered. He put his hand on my arm for a minute and gently patted it. "It'll be okay, little Foley. If you need to talk about it, I'm here. I don't want my boy to get in trouble so I won't tell anyone." He said to me before walking off. I never in a million years thought that I would find solace in Bryce Walker but maybe it was time to bring out the peace treaties.

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