Love brings you flowers then it builds you coffins.

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                                                                NEW CHARACTER:

                                              Alexandra Daddario as Miss Weathers

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                                              Alexandra Daddario as Miss Weathers


I scrolled through the pictures in my phone like I did every morning. They were hard to look at but they also gave me a sense of peace that I couldn't figure out. Our relationship was cut short but it was beautiful while it lasted. I constantly wished that I could go back in time and fix us before we broke but things just don't work that way. It had been two months since I had my D&C to complete my miscarriage and Monty was extremely supportive but we never got past the point of being friends again. Even though I never admitted it to anyone, whenever we made up, I hoped that we were gonna work out our problems and get back together but obviously we weren't on the same page. I had to accept the fact that we weren't going to be together. We were doing pretty good as friends though and I was thankful for at least that. Pretending to hate Monty was too exhausting for me to do anymore. I finally scrolled to the last picture of us and then I locked my phone. I blew out a huge breath before getting out of the bed and deciding I needed to get ready for school. I turned on the radio and my favorite song was playing. I danced around in my room while I was getting ready. "Now payback is a bad bitch and baby I'm the baddest, you're fucking with a savage. Can't have this, can't have this." I sang along with the song. "Baby I'm sorry, I'm not sorry. Being so bad got me feeling so good, showing you up like I knew that I would." I practically shouted at the top of my lungs. "Is your love for this song addressed to anyone in particular?" I whipped around at the voice and saw Justin standing in my doorway laughing with Jessica behind him with a smirk on her face. I blushed and looked down quickly before responding. "I just like the song, okay?" I said before I pushed my way past them and headed down the stairs. I sat down after a minute and started to eat my cereal whenever I heard them both enter the kitchen. "You know, you should go on a date." Jessica said sitting next to me. I shook my head no while swallowing my bite of food. "Oh, come on, Maddie. You have to move on." "It's not about moving on Jess, it's about the fact that no one wants the girl who is Monty's ex girlfriend and had a miscarriage with his baby. No guy has given me a second glance in a while." I interrupted her. I was tired of her and Justin constantly pushing me to move on. Hannah was the only one to understand that I would do things on my own time, the way I wanted to. "Are you sure it's not that you're holding out hope that Monty will come back to you? You know he's moved on." Justin chimed in while placing his hand over mine. "Trust me, the last thing I'm doing is holding out hope that Montgomery will come back to me." I snapped before grabbing my things and heading for the door. "I'll see ya'll at school." I shouted back to them before heading out. I had never been a liar but in the case of my unhealthy love for Montgomery De La Cruz, I was going to hell for how much I had lied to everyone.

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