Authors Note Part 2

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Hey guys! I'll be releasing a new chapter tonight or tomorrow at the latest but before then, I was gonna do another voting session for a new book! After I posted the authors note on both of my books, it was narrowed down to two ideas for a new story. I'd now like y'all to do a final vote between the two! Please comment which one you like better! Thank you lovelies 😘

1. The original character and Monty have always been strictly friends with benefits. Once he gets a real girlfriend, it causes turmoil.


2. The original character is Hannah's cousin who just moved here. She meets Monty at a party and they end up hooking up. She ends up pregnant with his baby without even knowing him.

*** if y'all vote fast I can try to get that book going here soon too!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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