Winter formal.

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Winter formal was exactly one week away and Monty had still yet to ask me to be his date. Everyone else had got cute formal invites and my boyfriend had yet to catch the hint that that's what you're supposed to do. Every time I was around him I couldn't help but to be snappy because I was starting to feel insecure. Did he not want to be my date? Did he really have so little of a romantic side to him that he didn't understand that I wanted to be asked like all of my friends? I sighed as I sat down in my usual seat in history. Monty and Bryce walked in laughing as usual and I just rolled my eyes. "Hey babe." Monty said as he leaned down to kiss me but I shrugged him off. "Someone's in a bitch mood still I see." He said before walking off. I wasn't in a bitch mood, I was just irritated with him. "Probably that time of month." I heard Bryce chuckle and Monty laughed along with him. I spun around in my chair ready for a fight whenever class started. They won't even worth my breath if they were both that ignorant. At the end of class, Courtney made an announcement about making sure to buy your tickets to formal by the end of the day. I rolled my eyes, mentally preparing myself to go alone whenever I heard Monty whispering behind me. "Shit, the formal is this weekend?" "Ohhh, that must be why little Foley is pissed." Bryce snickered back. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I knew that it was going to be Montgomery nonromantically asking me if I wanted to go. "Ask me the right way or don't ask at all, Monty." I snapped. I heard him sigh before he leaned back in his seat. Once the bell rang, I hopped up and headed for my next class, not even waiting on Monty. I was surprised when he never showed up to class and figured that him and Bryce must've decided to skip the rest of the day. Asshole. I scribbled all in my notebook and tapped my fingers way too hard on the desk during the whole class. First he forgets to ask me to formal and now he was skipping without me? So much for the good boyfriend act he had been able to pull for the past couple of months. By the time lunch came around, I was livid. I was repeatedly stabbing my salad with my fork whenJustin and Jessica got to the table. "Cuz, calm down. It's just winter formal." Justin said while snickering. "Oh yeah, if it's just winter formal than why did you do some cute scavenger hunt for Jess?" I snapped while motioning between the two of them. Out of nowhere, Jessica looked at her phone and took off running after whispering something to Justin. I started looking around and noticed that none of the cheerleaders were anywhere to be found. The rest of our friends came and sat down except for Monty and Sherri. I was starting to get weirded out whenever the entire cheer squad came running into the cafeteria all kiddy and cheering. "What the fuck is their problem?" I mumbled to Hannah while crossing my arms over my chest. I was not in the mood for their unusual perkiness and I couldn't shake the feeling that they were all staring at me. "Are they looking at me or am I crazy?" I asked Hannah again. "No, they're definitely staring you down." She said, her face mirroring the same confused look that mine had. "Madison Lynn Foley, will you please stand up?" Jessica shouted to me with a Cheshire Cat grin on her face. I looked around before slowly standing up, all eyes on me. Sherri ran over to me and drug me to the middle of the cafeteria, a good ways back from the cheerleaders. It was almost as if they were all gonna throw food at me and laugh while I was defenseless. I awkwardly stood there for a minute before I heard a familiar voice shout my name. Montgomery walked through the cheerleaders and was standing directly in the middle of them staring at me smiling  "Monty, what's going on?" I awkwardly chuckled before he smirked at me. "Catch, baby." He called out to me before throwing a baseball towards me. I caught it and Sherri who was still next to me read it out loud. "Will you be?" She shouted to the cafeteria with a smile on her face. He lightly threw the second ball to me and I caught it again, going ahead and handing it to Sherri. "My catch?" She called out again. I bit my lip to try to hide the smile that was forming, I knew what this was. He threw me the third ball and I went through the routine quickly. "Formal?" Sherri shouted out. I laughed while looking down. "Can you say that in a fool sentence, Sherri?" She laughed because she knew me well enough to know that I knew what he was asking and that I just wanted to hear it again. "Will you be my catch? Formal?" She called out again. I put my hand on my hip and a big smile formed on my face. "Yes Montgomery, I'll go to formal with you." As soon as the words came out of my mouth, everyone started clapping and Monty ran up to me and picked me up, spinning me around. "I'm sorry I didn't ask sooner baby girl." He whispered. I leaned down and kissed him. All was forgiven and I got what I wanted. I was going to the formal with the love of my life.

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