Just say it - Monty/Madison (Split chapter)

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montydelasexy: Things have changed but u will always be my baby girl #tbt

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montydelasexy: Things have changed but u will always be my baby girl #tbt

                                                              Tagged: madison.foley

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Monty's POV

After two days I had managed to get Madison to agree to be in an open relationship with me. I had to have her in my life but I was scared to stay with her. As each week passed, I waited for her to figure out what was going on. It was 6 weeks after the Winter Formal that she started acting distant towards me and falling into the arms of her friends'. I immediately knew that what I feared was going to happen, had happened. The only other two that seemed to know exactly what was going on was Hannah and Jessica. I never wanted this but after realizing it, something about Madison seemed even more beautiful to me. I couldn't believe that she hadn't told me yet and it had been two weeks. My insecurity was getting the best of me and I just knew that she was ashamed that it was with me. The past week I had noticed her getting closer to Jeff and the thought enraged me. Of course that made me go straight to Anna or any other girl I could get my hands on. In turn, Madison distanced herself even more from me. No one even batted an eye whenever Madison said she was "staying sober" at Bryce's party. "I'll stay sober with you, sweetheart." I snarled at Jeff's comment. Did he know too? Had she told everyone except me? The way he acted around her the rest of the day, I knew that he did in fact know. "When is she gonna tell me?" I snapped once I approached Hannah and Jess both at Hannah's locker. They gave each other a brief look that they thought I wasn't going to catch but I did before responding. "We have no idea what or who you're talking about, Montgomery." Hannah said with a stern look on her face. I shook my head in irritation.  "Fuck both of you too then." I yelled before spinning around on my heels and storming out of the school. I didn't even care that I was making a scene at this point. This was getting out of hand. I may not be perfect and I may have ruined Madison and my relationship but I knew that I deserved to be treated better than this. I punched my steering wheel a few times before spinning tires on my way out of the school. I was going to get to the bottom of this by the end of the party tonight and that was final.

Madison's POV

"Maddie, I think he knows." Hannah said coming out of nowhere, causing me to jump. I finished putting my stuff into my locker before facing her. "What do you mean?" I asked while walking past her. "He came up to Jess and me and asked when you were gonna tell him." She said while catching up to me. I froze in my place for a second. There was no way he could possibly know, right? Neither Hannah or Jessica would dare to have slipped up and told him and I knew that Jeff wouldn't either. He and I had come up with a perfect plan and I knew that he wouldn't break his promise to me. "He could be talking about anything." I responded after a moment. "Not likely, Madison. He knows." I ignored her comment and continued to walk to my car. "He deserves to know. You know it." I shot Hannah a look that could only be described as pure hatred. "He doesn't deserve to know, Han. He's the one who ruined our relationship. He's the one who went back to fucking other girls right away. He's the one who has never wanted anything remotely close to this. He's a fuck boy through and through and I'm just the idiot who fell in love with him. And even if he thinks he knows something, he doesn't know the full story." I was crying by the end of my rant. I ignored Hannah's attempt to console me and hopped in my car and sped off. I had enough going on in my life, I didn't need to deal with Montgomery's bullshit. I pulled in my driveway and sighed whenever I saw my dad's car there. I reluctantly went inside and braced myself for the overprotectiveness that I knew I was about to receive. "How was your day, sweetie?" He asked as soon as he saw me. "Fine, daddy. I'm just gonna take a little nap before the party tonight." "Should you really be going to a party, honey?" I rolled my eyes at his comment. I wasn't incapable of living. "I'll be fine, dad. Like I said, I'm just gonna go take a little nap." I took off towards my room as soon as I was finished with my sentence. I bumped into Justin in the hallway but kept moving. I had barely had time to lay on my bed before Justin walked in. "You ever gonna tell me what's going on or just keep me guessing?" He asked while sitting down next to me. I started to rub my temples, I was getting a stress headache. I sighed knowing that it was time to clue Justin in too. I patted the pillow next to me, signaling for him to lay down too, before starting with my story.

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