The truth comes out.

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Flashback from the night of Jessica's party...

Monty's POV

"Dude, you totally just missed little Foley slap the fuck out of Monty for kissing her." Bryce told Marcus while laughing. "Why would you even try, man? That girl is a stone cold bitch." Marcus said while shaking his head. "According to Jeff, she's only like that with the three of us but I agree with you, she's a fucking bitch." I replied after taking a shot. "Ya'll must be talking about Monty getting bitch slapped by Madison." Alex said in his usual snarky tone once he approached us. "She's such a cunt. I don't get how you handle ever being around her." I said to Alex. "She's not a cunt, she's actually a really cool girl. She just hates ya'll." He replied while chuckling. I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance. What was it with Madison Foley that got me so pissed? I could never understand why she hated me so much either and had for years. "Madison is probably the only girl in all of Liberty High that Monty couldn't con into fucking him." Bryce said to all of us. "That would be the day that pigs fly." Marcus added. "I could make her fall into bed with me if I really wanted to. I would just have to ignore her bitchiness and pretend to be nice to her." "She did seem really into that kiss with you." Bryce said to me, smacking my shoulder. "Why don't we make this interesting? I bet you $100 that you can't get Madison to sleep with you by the end of the party." Bryce added while smirking. "Define by the end of the party." I said to him with a raised brow. "By the time Jess kicks everyone out which I would bet won't be until the morning." Marcus clarified for me. "Guys, this is a bad idea. You can't bet on a girl like that. Plus, I'm pretty sure I've heard that she's a virgin, that makes it even worse." Alex said while running a hand through his hair. "Don't be a pussy, Alex. That doesn't make it worse, that makes it harder. Up the betting amount and I'm in." I said while turning to Bryce and Marcus. They both started laughing and high fived each other. "I'll add another $100 to Bryce's. So, if you can get Madison to fuck you by the end of the party, you've got $200 in your pocket." Marcus said and then stuck out his hand. I shook on the deal with both him and Bryce. "I'm out of this." Alex snapped before walking off. I looked around and saw Madison sitting on the couch with Zach. I turned to my friends' and smirked at them. "Be ready to pay up." 

End flashback...

I looked in my wallet while I was sitting on the couch at Bryce's and saw the $200 still sitting in it. I hadn't been able to spend it because I felt so guilty afterwards. I never should've made that stupid fucking bet with them. It was wrong. The only good part that came out of it was that Madison became my best friend, but now I managed to ruin that too. "Is that what I think it is?" Alex said as he sat down next to me. I lightly nodded my head. "You regret it now, don't you?" "More than I'm willing to admit." I responded to him. "I have so much guilt about it, too." I spoke up again. "Maybe you should come clean then. Or maybe I'll do it for you if you don't by the end of the night." He shrugged his shoulders before standing up and walking off. I didn't even care enough to start shit with him. I couldn't possibly come clean to Madison. Sure, it might help with my guilt but what would that do for her? Nothing but make her feel worse than she already does. If Alex was being serious though, wouldn't it be better coming from me instead of from someone else? I scratched my chin before sighing. I knew what I had to do, even if it was going to kill us both in the process.

Madison's POV

I was playing beer pong with Hannah, Justin, and Jessica while singing and dancing along with the blaring music. I took my shot and jumped up and down cheering whenever I made it. I heard a little chuckle behind me and spun around to see Monty. "Did I not make myself clear that I don't want to be around you?" I spat at him before turning my attention back to the game. "I really need to tell you something. It doesn't have anything to do with tonight but it does have something to do with Jessica's party." He said guiltily. Alex had been standing off to the side watching us play but whenever he heard Monty's words he stepped up. "You should talk to him." He said to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked curiously between the two of them. They're not the best of friends by any means but if Alex was encouraging me to talk to Montgomery, then it had to be something that I needed to know. "It's really important and something that you need to know. I did something really wrong to you that night." "You fucking bastard, it was Madison wasn't it?!" I heard Justin shout from behind me, interrupting Monty. Jessica, Hannah, and I all jumped at  his outburst. "What was me?" I asked looking between Monty and Justin, who was now in Monty's face. "You fucking lied to me. I can tell that I'm right since you haven't tried to deny it. You told me that it was some random girl at a bar that you, Bryce, and Marcus went to over the summer." By now everyone was watching. Bryce and Marcus walked over to us and Bryce tried to get Justin to step back. "Don't fucking touch me, you were apart of this too." Justin spat at him. "What the hell is going on?" Jessica asked. She was just as confused as I was. "Tell Madison, Monty. I want to hear you say it out loud." Justin demanded. "Dude, you don't have to do this." Marcus whispered to Monty. "Someone is gonna fucking tell me what's going on right now or I swear to God we're gonna have some problems." I shouted at everyone. Montgomery looked down for a minute before stepping closer to me. Whenever I made eye contact with him, I saw tears in his eyes. My stomach hurt I was so nervous to hear what Monty apparently did to me with the help of Bryce and Marcus. "Monty...?" I pressed. "After you slapped me, I was bitching about you with Bryce and Marcus and we were talking about how much you hate us." He paused for a second before taking another breath. "Bryce and Marcus said that you were the only girl at Liberty that I couldn't get to fuck me and I said that if I was nice to you I could get you to fall into bed with me." I stepped back from him. By the look on his face, I could tell that the story still wasn't over so I gestured for him to continue. "Bryce bet me $100 that I couldn't get you to have sex with me by the end of the party and Marcus added an extra $100 since you were a virgin so it would be harder for me to get you to do it." My breath caught in my throat and I started to look around. I saw Bryce and Marcus with their heads down and everyone else watching the scene taking place in front of them. "So, that's why you all of a sudden were so nice to me? Because you were trying to win a bet at my expense?" I asked, my voice shaking. He just lightly nodded his head. "Did you get paid more to pretend to be my friend for awhile too? What about making me fall for you?"  I yelled. I was starting to get mad now. "No, Madison, no. Yeah, it started out as a bet but what came after was real. You're my best friend, Maddie. I feel horrible that I don't have the same feelings as you and I feel even worse about what I did. That's why I decided to come clean." He tried to put his hand on my face but I slapped it away. He looked hurt but I wasn't going to let his pain affect me, not after what he did to me. "I fucking hate you. You are nothing to me anymore." I spat. He tried to take a step towards me and I did the first thing that popped into my mind; I spit in his face. As soon as he shut his eyes I hauled back and punched him directly in the nose, causing it to immediately start to bleed. Fuck the 5 stages of grief, I went straight to anger. I started shoving him but wasn't really getting anywhere with that. I was about to hit him again whenever Anna stepped in front of him. "He's not fucking gonna fight back so just stop." She shouted at me. "You must have really loved his dick to already be defending him." I laughed in a sarcastic tone. "Now I can definitely see why he's not into you." She responded while laughing the same way that I had. This time I punched her but she actually fought back. She hit me in the face a couple of times before I tackled her to the ground. We were rolling around fighting for dominance whenever I was finally able to get on top of her. Once I did, I started to pound all of my anger and pain out on her. After a minute I felt someone pull me off of her. It was Justin, he started to drag me inside but not before I heard Bryce make one of his annoying comments. "Damn, you created a little Monty Jr. there didn't you man? I didn't know Madison had it in her." "I'm nothing like that sorry piece of shit. He can rot in hell for all I care." I screamed, I had never been mad like this before. I wondered if this was how Monty felt every time he got into a fight with someone. I felt so out of control and I didn't like it but I couldn't stop, I was full fledged raging. Justin finally got me inside but not before I saw Monty and Anna tending to each others' wounds that I had given them both. "You two deserve each other!" I screamed one more time, and with that, Justin slammed the door behind us ending my first fight.

Justin had drug me all the way into the bathroom, me kicking and screaming the whole way. Hannah and Jessica were right behind us. "Maddie, please calm down." Hannah whispered to me. I ignored her and kept screaming secrets I knew about Monty to everyone that we passed on the way to the bathroom. Once we got into the bathroom Justin put me on the ground and Jessica locked the door behind all of us while her and Hannah stood in front of it so that I couldn't break free until I had calmed back down. I dropped to my knees and started sobbing.  I was practically screaming I was crying so hard. I had never felt so much emotional pain before in my life. "I hate him." I gasped out in between sobs. "No you don't or you wouldn't be acting this way." Justin gently whispered while rubbing my back. "I fucking love him." I chocked out. Hannah got on her knees too and pulled me into her lap. I laid there crying with her petting my hair for an hour before I finally calmed down. Not before all three of them had tried saying anything they could possibly think of to say to get me to feel better. "I don't want any of you to hate him. It was wrong but I believe he really does feel bad. I'm not gonna have anything to do with him, but ya'll don't make his life hell." I whispered to them. They all reluctantly agreed before we all decided that it was time to go. I stumbled out of the bathroom and was met with tons of stares. "Don't look at her the wrong way or she might beat ya'lls ass too." Bryce laughed out. I just ignored him and walked out with my head down. "I'm walking home, I'll get my car tomorrow." I whispered to Bryce as I walked by. I had told Justin, Hannah, and Jessica that I wanted to be alone so they were going to stay at the party a little longer. I walked out the front door, not caring what anyone thought. That's when I switched to the final stage of grief...acceptance.  

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