My mate

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Hi, I am Ryder. I am a werewolf and not a normal one. I am the alpha and the most feared alpha here.

However, I don't have a mate.

I am twenty one years old, and I am still without a mate...

For an alpha, I need a Luna, so I decided to make my girlfriend Chelsea that Luna...

Well, because she is my best friend since childhood, and I grew to like her, but not yet as a mate but I have no other choice...

Tomorrow is the day, I will make her my Luna. She seemed so happy, especially that she loves me. I really hope to love her, so I am not in this situation now.

Even so, it seems that life has other plans...

I went into the city. I have been walking there at night not to get so much attention. This village is kind of old designed, but its cool.

When I was walking with Zack my beta and my best friend, we passed by a store and then I stopped when I smelt a different scent, the scent was beautiful, awesome and perfect...

My wolf Ash, wants to go out and takes control, I ignored his strong demands and kept following he scent, as the scent gets stronger, Ash gets stronger and angrier.

When I get closer to the scent, I smelt a different scent, it made me and my wolf angry, especially him, it smelt like a guy and not my mate...

Hurry up or let me take control.

I ignored him again. I know he will become so annoying to me after this ignorance, especially if all of this was related to our mate...

I continued following the scent, losing patience, until I found a girl, she looked so pretty, her brown tail hair and blue eyes. She looked awesome...

" Mine " my wolf screamed inside my head

I looked at her admiring her features, when I saw my mate hug a guy.

My wolf was a lot angrier now...

Let me take control or I will take it myself.


I relaxed and saw him talking control. He went after our mate because she left with that guy.

We were listening to their conversation and when we saw our mate laughing and giggling with another male, his anger showed. He went into a corner and changed to his wolf, so he is taking full control...

He cornered our mate with the guy in a corner, and then he started playing. He kept attacking the guy not looking at our mate, after we left him, he was unconscious...

Our mate ran to him and put his head on her lap. This annoyed me, but she doesn't know that she belongs to me yet.

This thought made my wolf relax. He started walking to her, and she kept backing, until her back reached a wall, fear showed in her eyes...

She was afraid of me.

I walked slower to her, and she kept screaming. She is thinking that I will kill her but no, I can't kill my precious mate.

I was about to touch her skin, when I heard a shot, I looked behind and saw two men and two ladies in front of me. My mate sighed in relief.

I wasn't planning on fighting them in order not to kill them, but when the older man, pointed to his gun my way, I lost all control over my wolf...

He attacked them one by one. All her family died, how I knew they were her family?
Easy she shouted their names...

My wolf killed her mum, sister and brother, but her father was a lucky one, so he kept alive, but he fainted...

The alpha's young mate ( completed )Where stories live. Discover now