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~° Akira °~

I opened my eyes but that was as hell, I was so exhausted, but I need to wake up, I feel like I have been sleeping for forever...

I opened my eyes and looked at the place I am in, only to find myself in a dark strange room...

I looked around me and found myself chained my wrists were tied up and so were my legs, I was tied to a chair with a piece of cloth in my mouth to prevent me from talking, yeah in...

' where am I ? ' I thought ' Ryder, where is he? What am I doing here? The last thing I remeber was sleeping after playing soccer, I remember being in the pack house, but now I am not? '

" seems the our princess is awake " said a voice that entered from the door, snapping me out of my thoughts

I looked at the owner and saw a middle aged man, he has dirty blonde hair as I could see, the darkness is everywhere so I wasn't sure...

I tried asking him who is he ? But the piece of cloth was in the way...

As of reading my thoughts he said " you don't need to know, all you need to know is that you will stay here for a whole till the boss says you will go, understand? "

I gave him a questioning look...

The next second, i was on the chair with that man on the top of me with a knife on my neck and he said " ask one more thing and you are definitely died understand ? "

I nodded my head letting my tears go...

" Didn't I tell you not to lay a knife on our princess ? " said another man entering the room, his voice was familiar but I couldn't put my fingers on it and looking at the figure didn't help because of the darkness...

" I expected warmer welcome from Ryder's Luna " said the voice coming in view...


After I saw it, I couldn't reset anything, my tears went free and my body started moving on its own...

" take the cloth out of her mouth " ordered Reo and the man obeyed

" what am I doing here? " I asked

" because you will be my revenge, baby girl " he said

" what ? How am I your revenge ? " I asked

" you are Ryder's mate and my revenge is from him, he was the reason of my mate's death so I will be the reason of his mate death, which is you"he said coking closer step by step, till he got hold of my face, his rough hands grabbed my chin and then he said " sadly I have to torture and kill such a pretty young girl but no problem anything for my mate "

" really? Are you doing all of that for a stupid revenge ? " I asked

" call me whatever you want but if you were in my place you would have done the same " he said " I can't think for a better way to take revenge, a mate for a mate, that's perfect "

" it is not, you can't cause pain... " I was interrupted by non other than Reo...

" save your words dear because I don't give a f**k, you are my tool for revenge and tools do not talk" he said

Before I can proceed he put the cloth in my mouth not letting me talk again...

I started crying and he said " aww that will make it even better "

" see you soon princess " he aid as he left the room leaving the other guy with me...

" quit crying b*tch that won't work " said the other man before slapping me and leaving the room as well...

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