Reo Evans

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~° Akira °~

I woke up feeling warm, I felt someone's arms around me, although I knew it was Ryder and I liked it but he got a lot to explain and I am not ready to hear lies...

I tried my best getting out of his arms, but his grip would tightened around me, so I have no other choice although I didn't want to do it...

" wake up " I said and kicked him not so hard but hard enough to wake him up...

I got off the bed and went to the door but I wasn't lucky because he grabbed me just in time...

" what the heck do you want? Ryder leave me alone " i said

" I won't, I will never leave you alone " he said

" no you will, whether you like it or not, I don't want to stay here with you " I said

" you will, at least let me explain " he said

" seems fair but I swear if you lied I will make sure pay " I said

" are you sure you are only thirteen ? " he asked

" this is what I was told " I said " now care to explain "

" fine, I was sitting in our room and she came to me and forced herself " he said

Well, I am starting to believe him but no

" do you have an evidence? " I asked

" yes inspector " he chuckled

He stood up and went to me placed me on his hips and said "I love you and I will never cheat on you ".

I was comfortable...

Then he kissed me, I kissed him back but when he asked for entrance, I didn't let him earning a growl and a smirk from me, he bit my lip and I moaned a bit, he used this chance and but his tongue in, but me being the stubborn I am sometimes, I bit his lip which caused him to pull back...

" what was that for? " he asked

" that's not an evidence but it's enough, now I trust you but that won't happen again " I said not looking at him...

He smirked and pulled my chin towards him and kissed me again...

This time there was a knock on the door, I pulled back and said " who is there? "

" it's me Nilly " she said

"Ok come in " said Ryder putting me on the bed, letting me fix my appearance...

" hey dear, Did you sleep well? " she asked

"Well yeah " I admitted

"Great now, Darling, I am going to visit Noah tell me if you want to come with me " she said

" yeah I am coming " I said

" are you sure? I think it will be awkward after what happened the last time" she said

" I know but I won't lose him " I said

" I know but I think that its better to leave him after he confessed, but it's up to you, he wants to see you as well" she said

" I will think about it, but I really need him by my side " I said

" I know, just give him sometime " she said

" ok " I said

"I am waiting for your answer " she said as she left

The next second I was pend to the bed with a furious Ryder on the top of me...

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