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~° Ryder °~

we will end up servants for our mate Ryder, I have never imagined it in thousands of years  ' complained Ash.

‘ Ash, you are the reason in this ’ I said.

Yeah, but you agreed to this ’ he said.

‘ So you want our mate to stay mad with us ’ I said.

You know it is not that way ’ he said.

‘ I understand what you are saying, but there is no other way ’ I said.

“ Ryder, make me lunch, I am starving ” I heard Akira say.

“ Darling, I am an alpha not a... ” she didn't let me continue my words.

“ I know, but you are my servant for twenty-four hours, and servants don't complain about their master's orders ” she said.

I swear if she wasn't my mate, and if I wasn't doing that to let her forgive me. She would be died by now.

She smirked because I didn't reply, her smirk is so childish. I am not complaining. It is so cute.

" Fine princess what do you want to eat? " I asked.

" umm, beef burger with extra cheese and cola " she said.

" You are not in a restaurant " I said.

" I thought. You wanted me to forgive you " she said.

" Fine " I said.

" Don't forget the extra cheese " she said.

I rolled my eyes and went toward the kitchen. I asked one of the omegas to prepare it, when it was done, I took it to my princess.

She thanked me and started eating it.

" Tastes good " she said, and I smiled. She smiled back but then the smile turned into a smirk...

" Take the dishes back and wash them " she said.

" Princess... " I started but didn't get the chance to continue.

" Think about what you say so well, I am your master now " she said with the same smirk, it makes me want to kiss her, but I need to control myself.

" Fine princess " I said and left, of course I didn't wash them, but I let someone wash them for me.

After that I went back to her and saw her watching TV, I looked at the TV and saw it was ' Pretty Little lairs.

No way.

" Princess, can you switch the channel? " I asked.

" Nope " she said with a smirk.

I tried to go out of the room, but she 'ordered' me to stay.

After it was done, we went down she kept ordering me around in front of everyone.

I wanted to punch Chase so hard because he asked her to order me to put makeup.

Really man? Not cool.

She ignored Chase, but then the smirk went back to her face.

" Get me a puppy " she said.

" What? " I asked.

" I have always wanted a puppy " she said with stars in her eyes.

" Fine, come with me " I said getting my car keys.

" Yaaaaay, thanks Ryder " she said jumping up and down.

She was so cute, but it annoyed me that she was wearing a dress, and her legs were in everyone's view.

' Don't look at her ' I growled through the mind link.

' yes alpha ' they said in unison, even Ryan, at least I am still respected.

Akira snapped me back to the real world, by pulling me towards the car.

She looked so cute, trying. She got a small body, and mind is big, especially with the age difference.

Who cares? She is still mine.

We went into a pet shop, and I bought her a little dog that she liked so much. It was a small white puppy. We got everything it needs, and then we went back home.

Akira was tired by then so she went directly to bed.

I was so exhausted doing her orders but its ok, as long as she is happy.

I went to sleep having her in my arms, which made me pleased.

She snuggled closer to me, which drew a smile in my face. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep with her.

I know it is not too long, but at least I updated right? Sorry for making you wait guys, I shouldn't let anyone affect me, I promise this won't happen again, and I want to way thank you because my story reached 600+ chapter read and 100+ votes, I never expected it to reach that far.

A major thank you to sisa9999, I am so lucky to have you as a friend girl, you really are the best.

Now to our random question

Random question: Would you accept my sorry cookies 🍪 for not updating?

Waiting for your answer, bye guys enjoy your day.

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