You can't run away

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~° Ryder °~

" You can't be that wolf " Akira said, " you can't be him."


" You can't be that wolf that killed my family, right Ryder? " She murmured.

Oh shit.

I totally forgot about that, and now she is afraid of me.

" Stay away from me " she said.

These words hurt me so much.

I transferred to my human form and tried getting closer to her, but she backed away.

" Princess calm down please. It is me " I said.

" No, you killed my family " she said.

" Princess please listen to me " I said.

" NO GO AWAY, STAY AWAY FROM ME " she said, " leave me alone please " she murmured.

" Ok but calm down" I said backing away, that hurt.

I can't stay away from her, but she wants me to.

' She is not rejecting us, right? ' Ash said

' No, not yet ' I told him.

I looked at her and saw her standing up from the ground, and then she started running away.

' Let's go ' I told my wolf, and I started following.

She kept running and running until she reached a park.

She sat on a bench and started crying harder.

I stayed close to her, but she couldn't see me.

" Why all of this happens to me? I loved my family a lot, and then they all died except my father who told me that it was all a silly lie. Mum wasn't my actual mum and dad wasn't my existent father, even my brother, and after I started being happy, I realized that the one who I used to like, likes me back, and he said that he loves me but all if this after I started liking another one, and the worst part is that the one I like the most now is the one who killed my family, what can be worse? " She said with tears coming out of her eyes.

It hurts to know that I am the main reason of her being that way, but I can't help.

It was my mistake, and she isn't allowing me to fix it.

~° Akira °~

I can't stop crying. I just can't.

I looked at the sun, and it was setting. I have been crying since the afternoon.

I looked around me and saw Ryder coming.

" Stay away from me please " I begged.

" No you are going home with me " he said

" NO, I hate you, and I won't go with you " I said, which is a total lie, by the way, I don't know why, but I can't hate him.

~° Ryder °~

" NO, I hate you, and I won't go with you " she said.

At that rate, I will lose control over my wolf.

" Stay away from me, I don't want to see you again " she said and that's when I lost control.

My eyes changed to bitch Black, and I know that what my wolf will do, will make both of us regret it, but I couldn't control him.

Akira saw the change and started running away, trying to escape the volcano that she made.

My wolf ran after her. When he reached her, he carried her and said, " Sorry mate, but you won't run away, you will stay with me forever, if you like it or not " he said cruelly and Akira started crying, he didn't even care to look at her, and he acts like he cares all the time I am in control. 

" Please, let me go " she begged.

" No, I won't " he said.

Good work Ash, she will be more afraid of me now.

I know it is not long but I can't leave you were we stopped guys.

This Chapter is detected to sisa9999, because I was planning on leaving you till next week.

Because I am evil, haha, * evil laugh*

See you in the next chapter guys.

Random question: What would you think if I made a  a mate for Chase?
My answer: he deserves a mate guys, right?

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