In my arms again

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~° Ryder °~

I relaxed on Akira's side on the bed, thinking about her. She was the only thing I can think about.

My eyes started tearing. I was crying for the first time, in a long time.

My wolf was getting weaker, and I couldn't help him.

' Alpha, we found her ' said Chase

' What? I am coming now ' I said.

My wolf started jumping from joy, as a teenage girl that is fangirling.

' Let's go ' he screamed

We went to the meeting room. I entered the room and then asked, " Where is she? "

" In the north " Chase replied.

" Good, get Zack, Ethan and the rest and come with me, it is time to get our Luna to her home" I said as I left to my room.

I changed and then went towards the door. Everyone was ready. I decided to take my highest ranks only, because, it will be a lot, and we need another team for emergency and defending the land and the pack house.

I ordered everyone, and we started going there. I couldn't wait to see my princess. I went behind a tree and shifted to my wolf form, and started running to the place. Everyone did the same. We continued running, Zack telling us the directions.

I stopped in front of an enormous house.

' Is it the place Zack? ' I mind linked him

' Yes, alpha ' he replied

I changed to my human form and entered the place, through the door, singling Reo that I am not afraid to face him.

" REO " I shouted through the whole place.

" Oh, look what we have here, Ryder finally chose to come and see his little mate " he said.

" Where is she Reo? " I asked.

" Oh, how sad? I won't tell you" he said.

" Don't frustrate me, tell me now" my wolf said forcing control.

" Oh, your wolf in control, human vs wolf is not fair " he said " but now it is ", his wolf said.

~° Akira °~

I heard strange sounds from out my room.

" Oh, look what we have here, Ryder finally chose to come and see his mate " I heard a voice say, it was barely audible, but I heard it.

Wait! Ryder is here to see me.

He is here. I am so happy. He came for me.

I couldn't scream, but I tried hard.

I tried screaming, but the cloth in my mouth prevented me.

Then suddenly, the sound stopped.

At that moment, negative thoughts dominated my mind.

What if Reo killed him?

What if Ryder gave up?

I started crying.

And then the door opened, and I saw a face. I missed seeing.

" Hey princess, missed me? " Ryder said with a smirk.

I cried, but this time they were tears of joy.

He came to me and untied me, and without thinking twice, I threw myself in his arms.

" I missed you, Ryder " I said.

" I missed you too princess " he said.

" Alpha, Reo is tied as you ordered, " said Zack.

" Good work, Zack," said Ryder.

" Hey Akira, wanna play a football game when we go home? " said Chase.

" Hell yeah, and I will win over you " I said.

" Don't be so sure " he said with a smirk.

" I can be whatever I want " I said.

" Hey, Luna, Are you okay? " asked Ethan and Mark.

" Yeah, thanks guys " I said

" Thank Ryder not us, " said Ethan.

" Thank you, Ryder " I said as I looked at him.

" No need princess " he said, his voice wasn't so comfortable.

" Anyway, let's go home, " said Zack.

" But how will Akira come with us? We didn't get a car remember " stated Chase.

" She will ride Ryder's back, " said Zack.

I blushed immediately. Chase and Ryder laughed at my reaction.

Then we headed home, everyone transformed to their wolf form, and I noticed something about Ryder's wolf.

He looks exactly the same as the wolf that killed my family.

He came closer, and I backed away.

A memory of what happened that night came back to my mind, making me afraid, scared, confused and lonely.

" You can't be that wolf " I said, " you can't be him."

This chapter is detected to sisa9999, She is awesome, she made the cover of the book and she keeps voting and commenting for it, u should check her story ' secret silver blood' guys, it is interesting, it is a werewolf as well.

So guys tell me what do you think?

Random question: who is your favourite character ?
Answer: mine are all the characters, I am in love with all of them.

Waiting for your answers.

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