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~° Ryder °~

I asked Zoey to stay wuth Akira. Akira seemed pretty exhausted and I didn't want her to see, what would happen there. I was planning on killing Reo, in order to get rid of him forever. I didn't want things ti end this way, but luck wasn't by my side.

I will end this even if it wasn't the way I wanted it to end.

I went to Reo. I followed his scent, and Chase followed me. I told him that this was my own war, but he didn't obey me.

I made it to Reo and he seemed to be waiting for me.

" Look what we have here " he said. " You are so lucky, I got to admit. "

" I will take this as a compliment. " I said, with a smirk.

" It is. Sadly, it will be the last one you hear. " he said. He stated attacking me, and I dodged them.

My wolf seemed to get stronger, and more powerful. He took the control, and threw me at the back if my own mind. He used the power of our royal blood, not only the aloha blood. Reo used his spells, but lucky they weren't so well casted. I wondered why.

He seemed to be losing control over his own powers. He started casting so many spells, and non if them hit me. I stood there watching. He kept screaming, I wanted to help him as a brother, but he was my enemy.

" Ugh. " he kept screaming.

I used this chance and got closer to him. When I was near enough to attack, he gained control and attacked me.

I fell to the ground. I felt pain all over my body.

" I will kill you Ryder. Your end will be here. " Reo said.

I felt fear, but my ending wouldn't be here. I felt a strange power run through my body. I didn't know why or how. It just happened. My body started moving quickly avoiding Reo's attack.

He looked shocked, and I was too.

' Ash. Tell me what is happening now. ' I ordered.

' One, you can't order me. Two, the moon goddess gave me power. ' he replied.

' What do you mean? ' I asked.

' It seems that the moon goddess wants us to win. ' He said.

' So we have to. ' I said with a smirk.

' Ryder. I will take control. ' he said. He didn't wait fir a reply, and took control.

He started running towards Reo. He ran at me too, he had a spell in his hand, but my wolf wasn't scared. When he went near us, a strange light crossed us.

I saw a beautiful figure. It was made of light. A girl appeared and she had Brown tall hair, and a fair skin. She casted a spell and Reo fell to the ground.

" Reo. You miss used your power, and you started doing bad thing. You even stopped believing in me. That's is so unacceptable. " said the girl.

" Who are you? " he asked.

" The moon goddess, and your killer. " she said.

She casted a spell, and Reo kept screaming, and then he died. I didn't understand anything from what just happened. I looked at the girl, and she said " Ryder. I, the moon goddess order you to have Reo's wolf in your body. His wolf is kind, and caring. However, Reo miss used it. I want you to take care of him, and your mate too."

" Yes. " I replied, as I bowed for her.

She was the one who gave me my alpha blood, and Royal blood. She even gave me Akira. She had all my respect.

" Thank you. This will give you more power than you have. Are you ready to take it? "She asked.

" Yes, I am ready. " I said.

After that, I felt a strong power enter my body. It was so freaking painful, then suddenly the pain stopped, and everything went Black.

I opened my eyes, and found myself in my room. I looked around and found everyone there. That was actually weird. I tried sitting down, but my body felt strange.

" Sit. " I heard Akira's voice say.

" What? Since when do you order me around? " I asked.

" From Now. " she said.

She looked so cute, I missed her so much. Her bossy little self was so cute.

" Fine. " I said.

I laid down, and when she got nearer. When there was enough distance, I grabbed her waust, and pulled her closer to me, and then I kissed her. How much I missed these lips?

We made out, and then she said " You know Chase is getting married. "

" What? " I asked.

" Yeah, their wedding is on Friday. " she said.

" Nice. But how come I never knew? " I asked.

" But now you do. " she said, and then we kissed.

How much I like the way now?

~° Akira °~

I always wanted a happily ever after. But now I found an Ultra happily ever after.

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