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~° Ryder °~

I kept running non stop. After hearing, Akira's voice, I felt some power inside of me. I didn't know how did she know about that mind link, good thing that she did.

I heard a scream, and that was a bad sign. I heard a powerful growl which made me think about one thing only.

' Reo lost control ' I thought.

I forced my exhausted wolf to run. I ran to the source. No one could expect what would Reo do when he is made. I wasn't planning in leaving it the luck either.

~° Akira °~

I was scared as hell. After what Chelsea told me, I couldn't feel safe. He might kill me and Chelsea. I didn't want to die so early.

" What can we do? " I asked.

" I got a plan, but it is so freaking crazy and risky. " Chelsea replied.

" What is it? " I asked.

" Look! We can escape now, but I need your help. I want you to scream and leave the rest to me. " she said.

" Are you sure? " I asked.

" Positive " she said.

" Fine, I trust you. " I said. I took a deep breath and screamed at the top of my lungs.

After three minutes, three men came.

" Why did you scream? " they asked.

" There was a rogue here. " said Chelsea.

" No one entered so stop lying. " said Chelsea's mate.

" They even scratched me. " Chelsea said.

" You are lying. " they said.

" Nope, I can show you. " she said.

They approached Chelsea, as soon as they got closer for her to kick them, she kicked them where the sun never shined.  They all fell to the ground and Chelsea was smirking.

" Ok, so now. Let's get this done. " she said, as she got the knife from a man who was on her lap, using her mouth. She cut the rope of her hands, and then that of her legs. After that, she came to me and did the same.

" Time to run " she said. She got a hold of my hand, and started running. Befire we could escape, we saw Reo in front of the tent we were in.

" Holly shit " Chelsea murmured.

" Look what we have here. " said Reo with a smirk. " Two rats trying to escape. "

" He is not in control, right? " I asked and sadly Chelsea nodded.

" Come here. " he said. His hand got a hold of both our necks. " You thought that you can escape easily, huh? "

His grip tightened. Chelsea's face started changing colors, because of the need of oxygen.

" Answer the fucking question " he said, tightening his grip.

" " I managed to say.

" Good, now time to have fun with both of you. Ryder's mate and Ryder's childhood best friend. " he said.

" I felt my head spinning, Because if the kiss if oxygen, that's when luck smiled my way, and my knight came.

" LET THEM DOWN REO " I heard someone yell.

" Ryder. It is so nice to meet you " said Reo, throwing me and Chelsea on the ground. We both yelled in pain. I looked at Ryder and saw that his body wasn't on it's best condition. I felt sad, as I saw his wounds and cuts.

" It is always nice to meet me, Reo " he said, with a smirk.

Ryder changed to his wolf form and so did Reo. Ryder's wolf was more powerful than Reo's, but Reo wasn't that easy to defeat.

Reo and Ryder started fighting, and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stand up. After what felt like five minutes, we heard noises. Reo's men seemed to wake up.

Chelsea and I didn't have power to stand up. Chelsea's mate held me from my neck, and started tightening his grip.

" You thought, you could escape from me huh? " he asked. " Sadly, this won't happen. "

He kept tightening his grip, I wasn't strong enough to stop him. However, after some seconds I felt his grip break loose. I fell to the ground. The man looked behind and saw Chelsea with a knife.

" How dare you? " he asked her.

" I am Chelsea, I dare do anything. " she smirked. Her face looked pale. She had some blood on her.

" You know you will die, right? " he asked.

" Yes, but at least I have killed you, before I do" she said, keeping her smirk. I didn't want Chelsea to die. Not after we became friends, not after she helped me.

The man fell to the ground and so did Chelsea. I ran to her and caught her.

" Chelsea, " I said.

" Akira, tell Ryder, that I am sorry " she said

" Can't you tell him yourself? " I asked.

" I won't live longer " she said. " My wolf is dying, and she is my only source of power a d energy "

I cried. She smiled at me, and then closed her eyes and died. I couldn't contain my tears. I wanted her to live. She had been disturbing me and she stayed alive, then why the hell did she die when she saved me.

Hey guys, another chapter is done. Sadly we are near the end, but I am happy that I have you. I never dreamed that I would have 2.7 k reads and 300+ votes even in another life, so thank you.

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