Saving her

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~° Chase °~

Oh! Shit!

I smelt a strange scent near Akira. This event seemed to effect my mate. She started shaking, which made me feel bad. I hugged her, and comforted her. I kept telling her that everything is fine, and she would he okay. I didn't know what was happening, but it wasn't like I cared. No one scares my mate, and lay a hand on my friend and survive.

I followed the scent. I saw Akira on the shoulder of a vampire. Zoey started crying silently. What's up with that guy? He made my mate cry only after looking at him, and Akira is shouting at him.

" PUT ME DOWN. DAD PLEASE LET ME GO. " Akira yelled, hitting his back, which didn't refect him a bit.

" Akira's dad? He is the vampire who..... " said Zoey.

' Who what Zoey? ' I asked her. I used the mind link, in order to stay his from him.

' Who changed me. He distorted my back seventeen years ago, and after that he let. He changed me that day, I was only two. After he disappeared no one knew anything about him. Even the vampire's council. I wanted to take my revenge from him. I was adopted by a vampire family, who were so cruel to me. I kept searching for that guy, and then I heard a rumor that he died. ' she said, crying.

I pulled her to my chest, and comforted her. I was mad at myself for not being their for her. I rubbed her back and said ' Don't worry, we have a golden chance to take for revenge, let's take it, and get your right back. Just don't cry. '

She smiled and nodded. I knew it was a fake smile, but I smiled back. Her fake smile made me hurt, but I just ignored it. I knew she couldn't smile, specially that the guy who made it the way she now is standing in front of her. I didn't mind this Zoey, but I knew she missed her old self.

' Let's get my right back. ' she said.

I noticed the change in her mood, and nodded.

' Do you have anything that can reflect him? ' asked Zoey.

' No. ' I replied.

' Ok. So the idea won't work. But we can attack him at once. ' she said. ' When I say three change into your wolf and charge. '

I changed to my wolf, who was happy to be free. He wanted to kill that guy, after what he did to our mate. However, I couldn't help, but ask how did that guy be Akira's father? Does that make Akira a vampire? What would happen if she was? Will the pack accept her?

' One. Two. Three ' said Zoey.

We both attacked the guy, causing him to fall on the ground. Akira fell as well, but lucky she was far away from him. She was totally scared, she kept a safe distance. Zoey was so mad. She kept attacking non stop. She had tears in her eyes.

~° Akira °~

Chase? Is that wolf Chase or Zack or Ethan? I should have memorized their wolf appearance.

I was so happy to see him. I saw Zoey as well. Zoey had fangs and her eyes were Red. Is she a vampire? But she look like a good one. She kept attacking non stop making me scared of her. I noticed the tears in her eyes. Dad was under her grip. She didn't give him a chance to respond at all.

I felt the wolf come my way. He looked at me in the eyes, and I noticed it was Chase. I hugged the wolf's head. I started crying. I wanted to stay there, but what about Ryder and Reo. Was Ryder okay?

I hope he is. I really miss him. Zoey stopped attacking dad, and I noticed he was dead. Chase chm hanged ti his human form and comforted Zoey. He asked me about Ryder's place, and I took him there. I didn't know how did I reach there, but I just did. I felt that my body was moving on its own.

We made it to him, and Zoey destroyed the silver he was chained with. Ryder didn't look okay, which made me sad. I wanted him to be the strong Ryder I knew. He sat straight, but still. I felt strange. After a while, I felt my vision going dark.

~° Ryder °~

After Akira fainted, I felt a strabge power come back to my body. I didn't understand anything, but I heard my wolf say ' Hey dude. '

I didn't understand anything, I mean he should be dead. I didn't want him to be, but no wolf cam survive silver.

' What? How? ' I asked.

' I went to our mate's body. The little part of me taht was inside her, took the rest of me. That's how she found you, and why she fainted, because my power left her body all at once, but don't worry she is perfectly fine. ' he said.

' So she saved you. ' I said.

' Yup, she did. ' he replied.

Akira started waking up. After that, I felt a mind linked message from Ryder come to my head.

' Alpha, I have good news. Our powers won over Reo's. It took a lot of times and some wolves aren't so well, but we made it. Now our land is empty from these sick heads. ' he said.

I felt happy. So we are dominating. Now time for Reo's game to end. With no wolves in my land, I felt more power come to my wolf.

Hey guys, another chapter is done. Tell me what do you think. It is the chapter before the last. I will miss writing this. Tell me what do you honest think.

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