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~° Akira °~

" I am afraid. I had a nightmare, but it felt so real. " I said.

" Don't worry, it is just a dream " Ryder said.

" I am scared " I said as I threw myself in his arms. I put my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

" Everything will be fine, I am here for your " he said as he tapped my back, in a comforting way.

" I know, thank you " I said.

" Now, you need rest. " he said.

" Yeah " I said as I laid down.

" I will be back " he said.

" No please stay here " I said.

" Fine " he said as he climbed on bed with me. I threw myself in his arms again. He put his hand around me, in a protective way.

" I love you " I said.

" I know " he said. I smiled and went to peaceful sleep in his arms.

~° Ryder °~

I watched Akira as she fell asleep peacefully. Tomorrow will be the day. The day that I may lose everything in, or get rid of the worst enemy i have ever had.

When Akira slept, I went out of the bed. I need to end things tonight. I got out after I kissed her forehead. When I went, I saw Chelsea. I hadn't seen her in a while.

" Alpha, I can't go with you " she said.

" Why? " I asked.

" I don't want to kill my mate " she replied on the average of crying.

' Oh ' I thought. 

" I understand, but who is he? " I asked.

" One of Reo's men " she said.

" Oh, when did you meet him? " I asked.

" Alpha, he cheated on me. He said if I help him get your mate, he won't reject me. However, after I helped him, he rejected me " she said.

" You made his way easier " I said, getting mad. She helped him get my mate. She helped him kidnap her, that's unforgivable.

" Ryder, please, I know I did a mistake, but i didn't want to be rejected. No werewolf can survive a rejection and so am I. My wolf is dying, and I can't help her. I am not saying that to make you forgive me, I am dying anyway. " she said letting her tears fall.

I felt pity for her. She is not my mate, but she is my childhood friend.

" As you wish, but I need you here to protect Akira " I said.

" Yes, alpha " she said and I smiled. She let a weak smile. I went to my office and Chelsea came with me. We started working. I got to admit. Chelsea is good in this.

She said that we shouldn't wait until they attack from the place they want. We should keep a small weak point, so they can take the chance and attack from there, but it won't be weak, it will appear as a weak point.

Zack was so proud of her. I mean everyone agreed to her idea. They were shocked that a girl thought about that and not them.

' I am glad that she understood ' said Ash.

' Yeah ' I agreed.

We made a plan for everything and every situation. After that we started preparing the guards. I took almost everyone, but some stayed to protect my princess. That day we prepared everything and we were ready for Reo to attack.

Tomorrow will be the day. Hope it goes smoothly.

After everything was ready, I went to my room. I expected to see Akira, but she wasn't there. I started to panic, I went to the first place that came to my mind. Nilly's room.

I went there and knocked. Akira was there which made me relax. I hugged her as soon as I saw her.

" Don't go like that again " I whispered in her ear.

" I didn't go anywhere, I am still here " she said.

" I mean don't leave our room like that. You got no idea how worried I was " I said.

" I was just bored, I won't sleep all day " she said.

" It's okay " I said, then we left to our room. I laid on the bed and she say on the ground as she watched TV.

She watched Harry Potter. I went to sleep leaving her watching it.

Hey guys, not long but i updated. The next chapter will be longer.

What do you think about Chelsea now? Did she truly change?

No one knows, except me, but I am evil so you have to read more to know the answer.

Muahahaha 😈😈

See ya soon, stay turned on for more updates.

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