A cool dad

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This was requested by Undertalefangirl11 so yeah ^^ 

I'll no longer use the '(Y/N)'s POV' thing anymore. I'm going to use it if I change the POV to third or the POV of another character. I'll be writing in (Y/N)'s POV always.

And if the grammar is wrong, I'm dearly sorry cuz my grammar sucks af

Hope you enjoy 


When I woke up from sleeping at the Sans mansion, I realise it wasn't the room I had slept at. I woke up at a bed of black flowers(?). 'What the hell??' I thought. As I stood up from my spot, I walked throughout the dark corridors of the Ruins. As I reached to a bright spot, a black flower popped out of nowhere. "Greetings! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower." The black flower spoke. I nodded, "Your new to the Underground aren't'caha?? Well I guess lil old me has ought to teach you!!" Flowey exclaimed as the room switching to black and then white.


I did what Flowey said as I ran into the 'friendliness pellets'. Unfortunately, I got hit and my hp is 1/20 left. "YOU IDIOT. IN THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED!!!" Flowey yelled as he cackles evilly. As I shut my eyes tightly, I waited for the bullets to come to me. But I only heard a scream as the sound in the room changes to a casual song. "Don't be afraid. I am Sans, caretaker of the Ruins." A skeleton man introduced himself. He was wearing a black robe with a symbol in the middle. "Now come with me my child. I will guide you through the ruins." He said as he walked away into the catacombs with me following behind him. "In the Ruins here, there are many puzzles that you could solve. So you have to pay attention to this one first." Sans said as he did a zigzag over the buttons as the door opened and Sans going on. I followed him as he told me to the the next puzzle. "I already made a hint for you so it would be easier." He said as I click the buttons that were pointed at also at the next room also as the door slide open. "Wonderful!! Now we could proceed to the next one." He exclaimed as he walked again without making me follow him from behind. As we walked into the room, everything turned black and white as I got into a fight with Froggit.

*Froggit hopped close

[Fight]      [Act]       [Item]      [Mercy]

I chose [Act] as there were alot of other choices but I chose the easiest one that is Flirt. But before Froggit could attack me, Sans just barged in and death glared at Froggit as the poor little frog slides away without regret.


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I smiled at Sans and mouthed 'thank you' to him as he nods. "Follow me then" He sigh in relief as he walked to the puzzles which was full of spikes!! I somehow remember this puzzle as I walked pass through it without his help. I made it through the room as I saw him staring at me in full surprise "Now that's.... Peculiar." He spoke as he walks through the puzzle with no worries. 

~Timeskipe AGAIN to the house cuz I'm too lazy*

As we reached to the house, Sans gave me a room to sleep and a hotdog. Nevertheless, he asked me questions that I actually have to answer truthfully. "Well ummm you see..... I kinda got teleported here and stuffs but about the timeline thingy I'm from the classic and orginal world." I explained to him about everything as he nods. "And I'm guessing at the first time you saw me you instantly thought I was Reaper didn't you??" He asked as I made a straight face. "Kinda......." I murmured as he chuckled. "That's fine, my child. I get that comment alot from the Frisk in Reapertale...." He muttered. Whoa whoa whoa whoa....

There's so many questions that is spinning around my mind

Who is this Frisk lady that Sans kept talking about....

Why is every portal that I fell into is made by a black, red and pink substance.....

Why did PT told me I'm the girl from the LEGEND.....

Sans caught me spacing off as he wave his bone-y hand infront of me. I shook my head and looked at him he then smiled at me. As I ate the hotdog while telling everything to him, the black flower popped out again but this time with a wicked smile. I was about to tell Sans but it goes underground again. "Sans can I ask you something??" I looked at him as he nods. "What is it, my child??" I gain courage to talk as I started to spill my questions to him. "Who is this Frisk lady that every AU Sans kept talking about?? Why did Paint Thinner told me I'm the girl from the LEGEND?? Why does the portal that I always fell into is made by a black, red and pink substance?? And why do I feel someone whispering into my head" I choked on the words I was saying and sobbed. Sans quickly hugged me and rubs my back to reassure me. "Shhh Shhh... There's nothing to worry besides you'll find the answer." Sans muttered into my ear as I wipe my tears, "I got to get back I'm sorry" I told Sans as he nodded. 

As he teleported me to the Sans mansion, he dissapeared immediately which gave me no chance to say goodbye to him. Lots of footsteps were heard as I felt arms wrapping around me. "(Y/N)!!!!!!! We all were so worried!!" Ink yelled as he hugged me tightly. Just as if it was a deja vu, Ink's phone rang so loud everyone hissed in pain and closed their ears(?). Ink immediately picked it up and anwers it, "Hello?? Alice?? What's wrong?? Why are you whispering??...... I'm coming okay?? Stay put and don't hung up," Ink told the Alice girl and rans into the living room grabbing his brush, "Alice?? Do you hear me?? Alice?? Alice!!" Ink yelled at his phone as the call ended. "Dang it!!" Ink yelled in annoyance. "W-What's wRoNg R-Rainbow AsShOlE??" Error yelled from distance. "It's Alice!! She's in trouble and she just hung up the call!!" Ink hypervilanted as Error groaned. "PrObAbLy tHe s-signal iSn'T g-great ThErE!!!" Error replied making Ink more worried as he looks. "She got kidnapped." All the Sans looks at the direction where the voice was heard.

Gaster Sans came out of nowhere with scratches and fresh bleeding scars on his humerus and ulna was shown. Everyone gasped including me myself. "What happen to you G!!??" Ink looked at him as he stares at Ink. "Alice. She got kidnapped tried to save her but the guys that kidnapped her got some defensive skills. I'm impressed actually." G spoke as Ink widen his eyesockets and muttered words that I can't pretty much hear.....


Author-chan: Wew.... This chapter took so long that I got no time to wrote it down. Sorry for the inconvinience guys and girls

Sara: Make sure to wait for the next chapter

Alice: Vote if this chapter was wonderful for you

Arc: And add this book to your library if you want more chapters to come



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