A lover's goodbye

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Sara: Emmy still doesn't wants to talk

Alice: yeah

Arc: So this is where Sara get's the letter from Silver 

Alice: Mhmmm


Raven thanked them as she begans to search for the letter at Silver's left jacket pocket. As she found the letter, she immediately gave it to Sara. She and Sara quickly reached to the corner.

Sara's POV

It was extremely intimidating around Glitchtale!Gaster cause of my small trauma. Think of the commotion that Betty caused to this timeline. Also talk about the excursion to get Raven's cane and to Glitchtale. Very bad idea. I almost puked. It was an excruciating headache but good thing it has subsided for awhile now. Betty did seem imposing to be honest. As Raven opened the letter from Silver, we both began reading it in our hearts. His handwriting makes me settle down but also makes me have more attentiveness to the letter. My heart was touched by his words.

'Dear Sara,

I'm sorry for leaving you like this. I know I'm the one who should be responsible of your safety. To be honest, even after my retribution we didn't said anything to each other for awhile and we just met when we fought Betty. For your info, I still love you even know maybe you found a new replacement to your broken heart. Probably you'll miss me. Don't worry I'm sure you'll find someone good for you cause I know it! I always wanted to say that even know you changed because of my first death, I will still love your beautiful and kind self that you will show to me.

Thus, this letter might be short cause I ran out of words to write in this letter anyways but I hope you and Raven will find good boyfriends and I mean it because you boths role means so much in my life. And please meet a friend of mines in a world where everyone are animals. Please I'm sending you and Alice to do this even your little friend namely (Y/N). He and his little brother will help you with your journey and you will have to pay him back with helping them with their quest also. I hope you are no trouble to him. I told him about you and you'll have to change your clothes so you won't be looking suspicious. Same goes to Alice and your little friend. Raven will be quietly helping you though.

Well then, I wish you luck with your journey. Bestest of luck.

With love,

Silver Caleb Ronan.'

I kinda got confused at the 'quest' part. Is boss gonna kill me for going out on a mission without telling him. Goddamnit, I do want to do it but I gotta tell boss first. Raven looks at me and hugged me, "Now?? What about you rest first?" She asked as I nodded. Everyone is looking at us as (Y/N) was the first one to ask first. "What's wrong Sara?" She asked as I shook my head. "I gotta go for awhile and," I pulled Alice,"I'm taking her so.. Toodles!" We then dissappeared. 

(Y/N)'s POV

Raven stayed quiet as I asked her. "What's that about?" She sighs. "Don't tell Sara I told you about this but it's about going to a dimension where she and Alice is assigned by Silver. You're also involved in this too (Y/N)." She said as Sara and Alice came back. "(Y/N), you're going to tag us along to a dimension at the next 2 days so be prepared for a sassy and salty Dreemurr and a clumsy yet clever Wingding." She grinned as I did a thumbs up. "Don't worry!!"

We bid our farewells to the monsters at Glitchtale as Arc teleported us to the Sans mansion. "Well we'll be seeing you (Y/N). Farewell!!" Alice smiles as she, Sara, Raven and Arc teleported away. "HUMAN I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!!!!!" Blueberry hugged me as the other Sanses did the same thing. 

??????? POV

I gained a letter from Silver, my friend who died from saving their little sister, saying that their girlfriend and two friends of her will be helping us for our quest. I read the letter he wrote to me as I sighed and put the letter aside from my main thoughts now. There are so many questions that needs to be answered

Will his girlfriend be nice?

Is she sassy or strong?

What is her name?

As I thought of it, my little brother snapped out from my thoughts. "C'mon bro!! Focus on our journey stop thinking about the letter or probably your friend and focus on this journey cause we are helping them after all!!" My little brother said as I chuckled a little and nods. Sometimes I wonder if my brother would stay like this forever cuz he is too innocent for this cruel world....


Emily(me): So hi.... guess the new character if you did please keep at mind don't spoil

Sara: And vote if you like this story

Raven: Or put it at your library so you could know the next update for the next chapter

Alice: So stay tuned for the next chapter



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