The truth of the siblings

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Hey guys.... I just wanted to say, although this is kinda a stupid crossover but welp. It's worth a shot I guess. So this is where you're going to dress up with the clothes that Silver gave to reader-chan and also Sara is gonna low-key profile herself while Alice and reader-chan doesn't minds at all. Also one last note, I'm gonna make another book which the plot is originally made by my friend which she roleplay and I told you at my A/N. Nevertheless, let's continue shall we?


Two days has past, as I was laying down at my bed nothing to do. Until the someone knocked the door softly. "(Y/N)?? Have you packed your stuffs yet?" Raven said through the door as I facepalmed. I forgot the mission we are going to do and I haven't even packed my stuffs yet. As I was going to pack my stuffs, I realized I packed it up yesterday night. "Ummm... Yes I did packed up my stuffs already. Are we gonna go now though?" I asked in response. She opens the door slightly and hums a 'mmhm'. "Oh and the clothes that you, Sara and Alice are gonna wear are all downstairs. Alice and Sara are already here. So don't wait let them wait for you so long, capiche?" She told me as I did a thumbs up to her. 

She chuckled and went downstairs. I also went downstairs grabbing mines. Sara and Alice was already dressed. Sara is wearing a light brown trenchcoat, with a white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, with a matching colour of black small heel boots and a light brown fedora. While Alice's looks very antique yet gothic. She is wearing a knee-length dark purple dress, long gray gloves and black flats with pale purple socks as her hair reaches down to her back with maroon-coloured lipstick, she looks divine perfect in style yet her beauty. "Whoaaaaaaa. SARA ALICE YOU BOTH LOOK AWESOME!!!!" I squealed as Sara and Alice giggled. "Thanks kid. Hope the guy won't mind Alice's clothing. Silver does has a good taste in our style of clothing tho." She muttered as Alice nodded. "Go change (Y/N). We haven't see yours." Alice said softly. As I took the plastic bag that had my name in it. 

I ran to my room as I ripped the plastic bag open as I grinned widely of what I'm seeing. It was a long sleeved red top, black legging pants, black ankle boot, white polka-dot wire heaband, and a horn rimmed glasses without the lens. I squealed and quickly wear them out and grabbed my backpack. I went downstairs and see Error and Dust talking to Sara while Alice and Raven was talking to each other. "Sara, Raven, Alice!! I'm ready!!" I smiled as they looked at me and did a thumbs up. Error and Dust nosebleeds and fainted as Alice snickered and Sara laughed out loud. Raven chuckles and opens a portal, "I will turn invisible and will only be visible when you guys need me." Raven went inside first. Sara went inside next as Alice grabbed my hand and we jumped in together.

)This is Sara's outfit, just imagine the hat)

(This is Alice's and yes I made Alice's based on Eclipsa from Star vs the forces of evil

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(This is Alice's and yes I made Alice's based on Eclipsa from Star vs the forces of evil. I LOPE ECLIPSA SO MUCH. Minus the spade thingy on her cheek)

 Minus the spade thingy on her cheek)

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We landed in an alleyway. Sara fixes her hat and walks out normally along with me and Alice. I didn't see Raven around she had a good disguise for hiding herself though. People only eyed suspiciously at Alice. I looked at Alice worriedly as she only gives me a reassuring smile. Sara looked at the letter that Silver gave her the letter and opens as she observes the paper and look what's behind. "Cuphead...? The guy's name is Cuphead." She muttered as Alice giggled. "Ironically, I'm imagining if the guy has a cup for the head." Alice teased as Sara snorted. "I bet 10 G he doesn't." "I bet 20 G he has." "Deal?" "Deal!" Alice chirped happily. I giggled at them both.

We passed through a bar as Sara grabbed me and Alice's hands and goes inside the bar. "Sara, this isn't the time to drink." Alice looks at her as Sara frowns. "Why can't I get things I wanted so much..." She sighs. Alice groans as she nods. "Fine but don't do it like last time alright?" She looks at Sara as she grins happily and nods. "Gimme something cherry soda flavoured please." She winks at the bartender as the bartender nods and goes to make her drink. The bell rings as someone went in. It was a man with a cup for a head, there was another person trailing him from behind. He looks exactly like the man, it's like their brothers. Alice also looks at the direction as she elbows Sara, making her look at the direction also. Alice gave Sara a smug face making Sara groan. "Lemme give ya at home. Me don't bring some gold right now." She said as Alice did a small victory dance.

"Here's your drink miss." The bartender gives Sara the drink. As Sara sips it slowly, the man sat beside Sara. Sara looks at the man, studying his looks while sipping her drink. The man had a red bendy straw upon his cup head as he also have a blonde fluffy hair flowing down to his right side. He wore something similar to Sara's clothing the only difference is that he is wearing a red shirt. "Can I have the same drink as the lady before me? And I'll pay her bill." The man said as the bartender nodded. "Thanks dude." She thanked as he shrugs. "Don't mention it. You look new around here, got a place to stay?" He asked as Sara thinks for awhile as she shakes her head. "You can stay at my place. It's alright. I ain't a molester or kidnapper or someone who likes to.. rape.." He muttered quietly to Sara. 

As Sara laughs, "For God's sake dude, that's hella fuckin stupid. From your looks, I know you're a good guy." She mentioned as he smiles. "The name's Cuphead." He reaches his hand so Sara could shake it. Alice snorts and laughs "You owe me 20 G." She looks at Sara as she groans. "Just call me S.D." She shakes his hand. "This is my brother, Mugman." Cuphead introduced to him as he waved innocently. Alice smiles at them both, "I'm Alice and this is (Y/N)." She bows respectfully as I waved back. "What brings you here?" Mugman asked as I and Alice sweats but good thing Sara saved our asses. "To fix the legendary ink machine thingy." She said as Cuphead's face went pale. "Dude? You alright?" She asked as Cuphead nods. "Yeah.... I'm alright."


Emily(me/Author-chan): That's finally done!!

Sara: Stay tuned for the next chapter

Alice: Don't forget to vote and put this on your library so you could know the next update

Raven: And don't forget----



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