A sly Dreemurr

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So suppies guyss. In this chapter, you'll be living in the platter bros(Cups and Mugs) at their house. And will join Bendy, Boris and Felix's adventure alongside with Alice, Sara and (Y/N) and an invisible Raven. And so sorry about the hiatus, I just finished my finals and happy new year peeps


As Mugman lead us to his and his brothers home, Sara was lying down at the bed of our new room as Alice was unpacking some stuffs like our clothes. "So from now on me and (Y/N) should call you S.D??" She asked as Sara nods. "Low profile dudette. Cuz I ain't want them to know my surname and my status. But if they don't know, well good for me then." Sara spoke as Alice went out to the balcony to enjoy the nightsky, gazing at the stars.

Alice's POV

It was a beautiful starry night indeed charming. As I continue to stare at the sky, I heard the sliding door from beside open as it revealed Cuphead too is staring at it. "Magnificent isn't it? Rare for a nightsky to have many beautiful bright stars among it." I greeted him as he nods in agreement. "About your quest, we could team up with a friend of mine." He said as I look at him. "Wait what? Really!!?? Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" I squealed. I was just following Sara's plan as he chuckled. "Say, why are you wearing such antique clothes like that?" He asked as I look at him. "Well, I love this dress. It's very comfortable." I told him as he looks at me weirdly. "No I meant that, why are you wearing a gothic themed dress? People could think you're a killer or something" He spoke.

'Ah there we go, let's show him what we are made of!' Alethia aka my other self I named spoke as I brushed off her screams and taunts as I answered honestly. "Well, I honestly don't know. I could be random at some time. And this outfit of mines, I don't care if people thinks I'm a killer at least I could show them who I really am. So the reason is that this dress shows who I really am. Not as a emo, but shows that I can be anything only with the motivation I could achieve with it." I sigh remembering my old memories fighting side by side with friends. "I understand that, I sense you are a strong fighter from born." He smiles. "Stupid and random question, it seems like you fancy my friend, do you?" I look at him as he blushes intensely. "WHAT!!?? No no no nu-uh, just giving S.D a good impression. By the way why does your friend calls herself 'S.D'? Is that somehow her name?" He asked as I zipped my mouth. "Confidential secret." I told him as he nods respectfully. 

"Well have a goodnight sleep anyways." He spoke as I nod."Wait" He turned back to me "Yes?". He looks at me and gave me a letter. "Do you know Silver? Are you his girlfriend?" He asked as I burst into laughter. "I'm not his girlfriend but S.D is. Surprised? Same here" I spoke calmly as he blinks couple of times. "So ummm yeah goodnight" He says blushing madly as I went back as Sara gave me a weird look. "Wassup?" She questioned me as I shake my head as if nothing had happened. (Y/N) is sleeping calmly as I sit in the edge of the bed, closing my eyes as I slept peacefully.

~BACK to (Y/N)'s POV and next day~

Cuphead and Mugman decided to went out earlier so they decided to wait infront of a cafe. Later on, a demon and a wolf with a cat showed up as the demon see Sara he spreads his hand infront of the wolf in a protective state. "You aren't like Cuphead right?" He growled as Sara chuckled "Depends..." She said lazily as the demon drops his hand. "Who's the girls??" The wolf chirped as Mugman placed a hand on Sara's shoulder "This is S.D, the girl with the purple dress is Alice and the short one is (Y/N) no offence anyways" Mugman apologized as I chuckled. "It's alright I'm just 13 anyways." "Anyways I'm Boris and this is my older brother Bendy. And that's Felix the Cat" Boris introduced. Wait, what about Raven!!?? Oh shait I gotta ask Sara for thi---

At the matter of time, Sara's phone rings. "Execuseeee meee." She said as she hangs up. "Howdy? Who are you?? What the fuck do you mean look to my damn left." She answered kinda rude. Alice looks at Sara's left and widened her eyes. "Look buddy, I ain't what I used to be so fuck off you're not dealing with the person you wanted to." Her hand glowed as fire engulfed her hand which was shaped into a fist. "Look here, I ain't want to burn yo ass up cuz there's a kiddo here but I'm warning ya. You don't really wanna mess with me. Well dude toodles" She hungs up. "Who was it?" Boris asked as Sara shuts her phone. "An idiot who thinks they're smart enough to outgunned me. But I have my ways of course." She said slyly. Alice giggles "Well we better get started, we're wasting time as we much needed it." She speaks as everyone nods as we began our adventure


Me: Hory shit that was a long time to get this chaptie done. So sorry for the inconvenience I'll try not to do that again so yeah

Arc: make sure to vote this chapter if you like it

Sara: Put this in your private library if you wanna stay tuned for updates

Raven: And be sure to continue reading this book

Alice: And as always



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