Blurred memories (Part 1)

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This chapter is for user80859365 . Never feel that you are alone okay?? There's a lot of people supporting you even I do. I just wanted for you to be happy and I'll be writing this chapter for you ^^.  And always remember, even if you're scared or teriffied we'll always be there for you. 

Never think that you're alone ^^

P.S I'm so into songfics now..... hmmmm maybe I'll make a songfic fanfic book *lenny face insert* huehuehuehuehue


I woke up in the most comfortable bed as I felt my back has been thrown into a wall so hard that I fainted because of it. As I open my eyes, I saw Alice and Sara staring at me. "Are you alright (Y/N)??" Alice looked at me as I sitted up and groaned in the process. "Hmmm.... It seems your backbone might have hurt from the effects of falling so hard to the ground." She muttered as Sara was leaning against the door. But it seems that, knocking noises were heard but Sara shrugged it off anywhos. "Why are there knocking noises??" I asked being curious as ever. "Well, Sans and the others are all worried about like REAL worry." Alice smiled and gestured Sara to open the door. Ink, Error, G and everyone rushed in pushing Alice and Sara on the way. "GIVE US A BREAK FOR FUCK SAKE!!!" Both of the girls yelled as I giggled at both of their reactions. "Alice, are you alright after being kidnapped though??" I asked her as she raised her arm up and showed me a wrapped up bandage arm. "Ye ouchhh..... That's gonna hurt so bad." I cringed as Alice nodded while rubbing her arm. "How are you feeling anyways, (Y/N)??" She asked as I nodded. "Still feel dizzy and my vision is still fuzzy though...." I rubbed the back of my neck slightly. 

*Play the song above, yep I know it's early to do this*

"Alice??" I look at her as she tilts her head. "Yes?? What is it (Y/N)??" She asked me as I stood up with PT rushing up to help me walk as I got near to her I knelt down to her height and hugs her while singing.

"You, you're gonna break my heart

You're gonna tear it apart

No matter what you do

I'll still be there for you

And when you call my name

I won't be far away

No matter where you go

You'll never be alone....."

I sang a small paragraph as Alice hugged me back. "T-Thank you....." She choked on her tears that was flowing out from her eyes. Sara smiled at me and nods while mouthing 'Thanks, kid.' "Never ever feel that you're alone, Alice. Because you have Sara and the Sanses that will always stay by your side. Even me I guess." I smiled at her as she wipes her tears while burrying her face into my shoulder. "I don't even know what'll I do without you all." She sobbed as Sara patted her back. "Dudette, you could always try to contact me and let me do the advice." Sara suggested as Alice shot a glare at Sara. "Seriously?? Not helping." Alice raised an eyebrow as Sara shrugs. "I was never even good at helping people, Wingding." Sara commented as Alice groaned. "What would I do without you...." She muttered as Sara chuckled. 


Eventually, I have to do a check-up to see if I'm alright and to really see the real meaning of my sould trait which is SACRIFICE. "Your soul doesn't seems to crack...." She said as I sighed in relief. "Hey Alice?? Why are you a doctor anyways?? I thought you are still a teen!!" I yelled as she chuckled. "I may have well a thing to help people in medication well and ummm I want to know the world of medication. I may not be an adult but I want to try out several stuffs I dreamed to be." She explained as I smiled. "That's a big dream you have, Alice!!!" She blushed in embarrasment. "W-Why thank y-you!!" She stuttered as I hugged her. "What about Sara??" I asked as she coughed "Sara is going to be Queen in her timeline. SInce she's a Dreemurr, well and also the firstborn it's her duty I guess. And maybe just maybe she may choose me as a maid for her. Heh, idiotic isn't it?? But I respect her as a friend of her. I must stay loyal to the ones who care for me." Alice muttered. "Am I healthy enough??" I asked as she nods. "You're good to go." She told me as I run to the living room and flopped over the couch, sleeping on it......


Emily: I am too lazy to make it long enough.

Sara: Talk about the mutany at school....

Alice: So.... This better gonna have a part 2

Arc: Emily is going to right??

Emily: yep

Raven: Wait for the next chapters all. Vote if you like this chapter or put it on your private library if you're waiting for the next update!!



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