Chappy Mommys Promise

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Mommy promise

The car ride had to be the longest drive ever. What only took a few minutes to get to Danny's parents house seem to take forever. I was surrounded in my thoughts when I noticed we had pulled into a long drive way and Danny looking at me leaning against the window.


"Are you ready sweetie?" I managed to get out still trying to recover from the heated passionate moment had mere minutes earlier.

"Ummhmm... I have to be," She said sighing, "How could I not be?" she unbuckled her seat belt, took a look in the mirror and reached for the door handel with trembling fingers. I locked the doors just as she tried to open the door.

"What are you doing?", she turned to look at me with confusion clear on her face.

"First, I know it's been four years but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to read your face or your body lanuage. You're my fiancé." I made intimate eye contact with her leaning closer. I continued. "Secondly, there's no rush to reuniting with her, love. OUR daughter loves you and that has never changed and never will."

"And thirdly?" she finished with curiosity staring back into his eyes.

I smiled letting my dimple show, which she loved. "No fiancé of mine will open up the door by herself especially if I'm in the car." I winked at her and she blushed. I let myself out leaving her wanting more but I knew it wasn't the right time for that. Play time could wait for later. I rounded the car to get and unstrapped Jr out of the car seat.

"We're here love." I spoke as I opened her door with one had and held Jr with the other.


Danny was always so charming and romantic but I had to snap out of it, now I had to focus on what was important... My daughter. As Danny let me out of the car, every step since then felt like the ground was wobbling. I wouldn't have been surprised if I was was walking in zig zags to the door. But finally what seemed like forever was definitely now front of my face..after four long painful years.

Danny took one last look at me for reassurance and then ran the door bell.

We wait no longer than five seconds until we saw the door starting to rattle open. And there had been Hannah standing there with smiling eyes full of joy.

"Well don't just stand there come on in babygirl!"

I'm not even sure if I had made my first step in the door before I was forcefully pulled into a tight warm hug.

"Oh, Layah I have been praying and trying to keep the faith that soon you would return! And now you're here safe and sound. Oh thank you God! " She shouted.

I began to cry. There was a time I never thought I'd ever hear those words but look where I am I thought.

Just then I saw a small figure little girl appear from the dark corner across the room. I broke from the hug with Hannah and stood up straight to face the little figure. She came out from the corner and into the light with her cute blue blanket in her hand.

Never taking her eyes off of me she began to speak.

"Mo-Mommy is that really you?" tears were streaming down her face as she walked a little closer.

"Yes babygirl it's me, mommy." my voice was trembling was I was walking closer and tears rushing down my face.

"I'm back for good and I am never ever ever ever going to leave you or scare you again". I fell to my knees now face to face with her sobbing.

"promise?" she cried out reaching for me.

I took her up in my arms and held her tightly knowing I will never let her go. I am home. I have my family again. I have love again. I am happy again. I kissed her forehead, rubbed her hair and I looked at Danny walking over toward us crying. I thought maybe just maybe I am exactly where I want to be. There's no place like home...

"I promise, I promise."


All night long Luna clung to me and I to her. I think she's still worried that I'll leave again. She was just a talking away in my lap. She would tell me things she did with Danny like walks in the park or playing dress up. I'm glad she didn't miss out on anything big. I found out she loves to read and loves everything science related.

"Mommy! Can you read this one to me?" she asked me while thrusting a book in my hands.

"Flowers for Sue by Whitey Suesberry"

"One early morning in June, Allison was walking to her friend Erica's house." I read the page and let her look at the picture. Just because she's smart doesn't mean she still doesn't like the picture.

"Allison got a call from her friend Erica that Sue was sick and they wanted to bring flowers for her." Luna read before I got the chance smiling. I closed the book and put it on the table.

"Have you read that book before?" I smiled down at her. She had my brown hair the softly curled and brown eyes that twinkled when she smiled. I could tell she had her dad rapped around her little cute finger.

"Only five times mommy." I laughed and held her close.

"Do you want me to brush your hair?" I asked and saw her eyes light up and she jumped up and ran away.

Danny was right beside me we just needed some time with the kids we had missed out on. At the moment they were playing with cars in the floor.

"Your really good with her you know. I can't believe you were afraid, it's like you were never separated." Danny spoke looking down at Jr and picked him up.

"I know but she was so little when I was taken I didn't know... I... I don't know. I'm just glad im with her now."

Luna came running back in with a brush in hand and ran straight into Danny's legs and fell on her butt. But Danny was quick in picking her up and set her on his hip.

"What's the rush little girl? We have all the time in the world." he kissed her forehead and gave her to me I doing the same action.

"Everybody ready to go home? We've here for two hours, and we have to pick up a carseat for Jr." I nodded and stood up with Luna and Danny grabbing Jr. On the way to the door I gave Hannah and Adam a long hug and thanked them for everything. And after promising to come again we left to the car.

It was a challenge to get Luna in the car because she didn't want to let go of me. It killed me to know that I caused her to be this way.

"Luna play with your brother in the backseat, mommy and I will be right here ok. If your a good girl you can sleep in our bed tonight." she instantly pulled herself together and stopped pouting.

"Lets go home"

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Also I want to thank my Bestie for helping me write this chappy!

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