Danny pov!

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"I said block! Not jab, if I tell you to do something do it!" Sean yelled at me and pulled my hair back

" Now start over or less Luke goes hungry." I would never let my baby go hungry so I started over.

Punch, kick, left, right,jab, slide, kick, jump, jab, jab, swing, roundhouse kick, punch, left,back kick, left,swing, kick, knee, punch, jab, jump, three backflips. I grabbed my two silver glocks out out the diamond studded holster and shot at the targets first it was the left and then right I had the drill memorized already. I heard the loud bang as it hit the targets and echoed around the room. I emptied my guns and spun them into the holster. I pushed myself to go on and did a front walkover into a spilt to duck the blades that shot over my head. I jumped and kept going Punch, kick, left, right, slide, kick, jump, jab, jab, swing, roundhouse kick, punch, left, left, kick, knee. I heard him do a count down and finshed with a head butt and did two backflips and froze in my fighting stance.

"That was alright you need to be faster though that took 30 seconds to long." he yelled but then again he wasn't the one to run this drill 5 times in a row.

"Hurry up and get cleaned up, cook dinner and get ready we have a fight lined up for tonight" I nodded and ran up to my room and took a shower. I looked down and saw the scars on my body that Sean had given me. I counted a least 29 and sighed as I started to wash my hair with my watermelon shampoo. I quickly finished and got dressed in my princess Black lace kimono that Sean had gotten me. I won't lie it is very beautiful it satiny fabric made me smile. It was the Japanese style design and Gothic Lolita.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" jr. Said as I grabbed jr. from his room and took him down stairs

"What do you eat to eat sweetie?" I asked while getting out my food; which was a mixed salad and orange juice. Sean never wanted me to eat big things before a fight and it's not like he cared he just doesn't want me to throw up.

"Apple sause and chickie nuggets" he excited yelled while grinning.

"Shut the brat up!!" Sean yelled from the living room. I don't know whats going on with him he keeps changing. First he was loving and nice, then horrible and delusional, next was crazy and now his grumpy and mean. I can't believe I'm still here I gotta think of a way to get out.

I started cooked dinner while jr. drew in his coloring book. I hope he'll never know that he was held captive for the first years of his life. I could only wonder if Danny was still looking for me and if they were close. Or if they gave up hope and he moved on, what if there was another women daughter called mommy. Just the thought made tears come to my eyes.

***** Danny pov*****

It would be very embarrassing if I said no wouldnt it?" my hopeful smile fell as I heard her. You could hear a pin drop and the thought that could never have just one date with her broke my heart. 

"So I guess its a good thing I'm saying yes!" She spoke as she walked up to me and put a hand on my cheek as she smiled at me. I looked down and saw Luna sleeping in my arms a got up and laid her down in her bed and kissed her forehead before walking out and softly closing the door. 

" She's sleep?" Holly asked me asked she and Bill sat talking about the case. 

"Yea I told her another story about Layla" I said tiredly while sittting in my favorite lazyboy chair Layla got me.  

"Thats good, just keep on telling her those stories so she has some memory of her mom, for when Layla comes back." Bill said. He has always been one person I could trust, he's been here fro the start. He gave me hope and courage to keep my head held high. I saw he getting up while standing up he looked over at a picture of Layla, Luna and I a month before she was taken. When were at the park and Layla's hair was flowing in the air, "im sorry guys but the wife's calling me home and i have to go."  

"Alright I'll walk you out" I said getting up and following him out to the door.

"Don't give up hope Danny we got a new trail this morning. I'll be looking at it in the morning I think this one is it!" I nodded and smiled softly. They would get clues every so often but nothing to stick.

Saying our good-byes I walked but to the family room to see Holly only in her underwear waiting for me. To say I was shocked was an understatement. 

"Holly what the hell are you doing??" 

"Come on Danny I know we have feelings for eachother we dont have to hide it anymore." she stated moving closer to me, leaving me shell shocked. She has never acted this way before. 

" Holly I think its time for you to go. this is outragous I have a wife who is missng and your working her case!" 

'Danny, the women is dead! Get over it we all know she's dead, you need to move on its nearly been four years. I could be Luna's mom I'm great with kids and you need a womens touch, someone to warm your bed. Have you even touched women since then?"

" You could never be Luna's mother you horrible with kids but that's not the point. Just get out! I can't believe this, just go. And my wife is not dead!" I yelled while throwing her, her clothes.

"But Danny the women is dead and she is never coming back. Your just filling Luna's head full of stories Layla is dead get over it!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Get out Get out! Dont come back, dont show your face around here again! And you better believe everyone at the station will hear about this!" I yelled as I slammed the door on her face. I was breathing hard and panting; she brought up my worst nightmares that Layla was dead and never coming back. 

"Daddy?" I turned around and saw Luna holding her teddy and tears running down her face. Her little face broke my heart. 

"Is mommy really dead? Is she not never coming for me? Daddy, mommy no love me no more." she cried and sank onto the floor and bawled her eyes out and dropped teddy. I ran to her and scooped her into my arms and held her close while walking to my room. Holly would pay for making my baby girl cry like this. I opened my door and turned on a home movie of Layla holding and playing with Luna I knew it would make her happy. She turned her head so she could see but she was still crying and holding on to me tightly. It broke my heart to see heart my little girl in pain!

"Luna look at me," a pulled her away a little so I could see her face," Mommy loves you with all her heart and she is doing all she can to get back to us! Don't listen to what Ms. Holly said because she is a big fat stinky poo poo face!" she started laughing and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and wiped her eyes dry.

" Baby girl your mother loves you and will do anything for you. Do you wanna sleep in here tonight?" I felt her soft curls bounce as she nodded. I turned off the lights and held her close as the movie played and we heard Layla laughing.

I wonder if she's thinking of me and Luna as I'm thinking of her. 

" I love you Luna." I heard Laylas soft voice before I fell asleep.

I'm sorry you guys I'll try to update everyend now. What did you think? Feed back please! 

Hoping for five votes three comments!!!

Layla played by Miranda Kerr 

Age is 22

Sean played by Daniel Craig 

Age is 55

Danny played by 

David beckham or Channing Tatum? You pick! 

Age is 23

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