Closed Rooms

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Chappy closed rooms


The smell of smoke and pee attacked my nose as I walked into the interrogation room. The small grey four wall room was cramped and hot. There was only one fan going and that did nothing besides blow around the hot air that was already in the room. There was a long dark,tented window on the far side of the wall.

A man seated across from me, wearing a dull yellow button down shirt and ugly grey pants, was beginning to light a cigarette as I took a seat. He had gray suspenders that were definitely too tight for his well being. His hair was greasily slicked back, and his teeth pretty well defined but a hint of yellow I guess from smoking. He had his chair turned so that his chest was facing the back of the chair. He had hazel eyes that promised he wasn't going to make this process easy. I moved and fidgeted in my seat under his gaze.

"So Ms. Williams how are you feeling today? My name is officer Jim Edwards." I flipped my hair over my shoulder and inched closer to the door.

"Look, I could lie and say that I'm fine but that would be lying. I respect you enough to not lie to your face." I turned and held onto Danny's hand as he walked into to the room and sat next to me.

"Okay no need to get snippy. I just have a few questions about your kidnapping," I nodded to him to continue, " How long were you in captivity?"

"About four years." I saw he write something down on a paper.

"What did he want you do?"

"He placed me in fights, trained me to fight and beat me often." I watched as he slowly raised his head to look me in the eyes. I guess realization dawned on him of what I had just said.

"He made you... fight?" I nodded at his question.

"And he trained you to fight. What type of fighting?"

"Kendo, Ninjitsu, Karate, and Kandoshin." I started to fan myself it was so hot. I could feel my shirt sticking to my back and sweat on my neck.

"It also says here that you have been trained in the art of Capoeira, Tae kwon-do and Kung fu."

"Yes I have been trained in Capoeira since a young age. I am now a Contra Mestre in the art. I am a red belt in Tae kwon-do I would've gotten my black belt but of the incident. And a first degree black belt in Kung fu.

Why do you ask." he rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"I'm sorry just wondering and if you don't mind telling me what you have to do to get those titles?"

"Well in Capoeira I had to be able to speak Portuguese. I had to be dedicated, loyalty, humble, have knowledge of fundamentals and acquisition of political and social conscience. Also be pretty great at what I do. And with the others just be great and know what I was doing. There's a lot more things but we would bd here for days." I said and moved around in my seat as a took a sip from my glass.

"So basically your a very deadly person. You are trained in seven different forms of combat." I couldn't hide the grin that found its way on my face as he said that.

"In a way... yes I am."

"So you are trained in fighting but you were held for four years in that place. It just doesn't make since. If I had the knowledge that you have I wouldn't have even gotten kidnapped. How did you get kidnapped in the first place. I'm sorry but this just isn't adding up. Your a well trained fighter I'm sure you could fight your way out of this station with one hand tied behind your back. So how the hell did one man manage to keep you for so long and you not get away. So it is my understanding that you wanted to stay and you enjoyed it! Heck you probably had sex with the man too! There's nothing here that leads me to believe otherwise."

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