Sutton pov

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Chappy Sutton pov

*****Sutton (cop)*****

I was sitting on the in my parole car drinking my coffee thinking about what the phone call I just got. It can't keep going on like this, I'm only 26 years old things have got to change. I'm tired of coming home and seeing everything all mixed up and changed.

"Are you listening to me?" my partner Bill asked and waved his hand in front of my face.

"No, sorry man I just have a lot of my mind lately. What happened?" I asked and sat my coffee down

"We got a speeding car heading away from us." I jumped and sped off following the beat up old car. But my mind couldn't stop thinking about that call. The driver pulled over and came to a stop after I followed them for about 2 miles.

"Alright let's make this quick. I got another file I gotta take a look at and need all the time I can get. " Bill said. I nodded and slowly made my car to the car and saw a jittery young lady. She had the very weird eyes and I felt as if I saw them before but I'm just not sure.

"Ma'am do you have.." I started and was cut off.

"Ok Ok I know how fast I was going! My son has to get to the hospital! Look at him, he has a temp of 103 I have to get there now!" she rushed out but her voice was like fine silk so beautiful. I t a look through the window and indeed saw a little boy in a car seat who looked flustered and what seemed to be unconscious also.

"Alright follow me." I ran back to the car and pulled in front of her.

"What's going on?" Bill asked as I sped to the hospital. I couldnt get over her eyes there was just something about them; like I seen them before.

"There's a lady and her sick son, they need to get to the hospital now! The poor boy has a temp of 103 he only looked about maybe 2 or 3.

As we pulled infront of the doors she quickly ran in and asked for help.


"This may be blunt but are you okay? I mean the bruises on your arms and neck. Do you need any help?" I questioned

"I'm fine I just got into a little fight with some girls outside of the bar the other night." she croaked.

"You can trust me, I only want to help." I went on hoping she would change her mind and listen.

"I'm fine it's none of your business but thank you fir caring, it's going to be over soon anyway." I raised a brow at her but she looked away.

I shook my head and gave up there was more to this story then she was letting on but I can't do anything if she doesn't want my help. I've seen so many women like this, beaten and fragile and they all ended up 6 feet under because they wouldn't leave the abusive household. Hopefully she wouldnt turn out that way.

"Alright well, I guess I'll let you off this time with a warning about the speeding because of your son. Have a nice day ma'am I hope your boy gets better." I began to walk away when she spoke up.

"I'm sorry but I never got your name?" I turned and held out my hand.

"Sutton Jackson." I stated she shook my hand and smiled

"Layla Williams, thank you so much." I tilted my head and walked away. I jogged up to the car where Bill sat and grabbed my now cold coffee. What a day I must say!

"How was everything?" Bill questioned and ate his sandwich he had gotten from the cafeteria and handed me mine.

"Everything is cool the little boy I was talking about," he nodded," that boys in surgery and the moms a wreck."

"All we can do is pray at this point, but how old was the boy; I didn't get a good look at him." he questioned as I drove off.

"No more than 2 or 3, I noticed some bruising on the lady's arms and neck. And of course I tried to help but she didn't want it. Poor thing look like she had been through he'll and back. I don't think she realized that she was in a tank top and shorts. I saw dozens of cuts and marks on her arms and legs. But there was one that was really bad it was a long snake like cut along her leg that branched off into two smaller one." my hands on the steering wheel tighten at the thought of that women being beating."

"Did you give her your card at least?" I silently cursed up a storm and hit the wheel.

"I'll take that as a no."

"I just wish I could do more!" I exclaimed.

"But at the end of the day all we can do is work hard; we save a lot of people, but we can't save everyone." I agreed but there was something about this girl that was different, like I had seen her before but where.

"Well let's get back to the station. I'll show you those files I was talking about and maybe you add your input." it was a silent drive but what should have taken us 30 minutes to get back to the station took 6 hours. From the drug bust on 79th street to the street walkers on Walker Road and a bank robbery on Pinkly Road we had a very busy day. By the time we got back I just wanted to go to sleep and forget about about everything but I had to report and type up about the day and the robbery.

Bill made his way to the door and I waved good bye. Good man that Bill is, always looking out for other and from the 2 months that I've been with him he is well respected. Looking at the clock I saw it was midnight and started to pack up. I starting my way out when I saw Bill left his desk light on and found the file he kept talking about. I sat and looked around and everything was dark and gray around me like a cage and i was the animal. I pulled opened the dull yellow folder all I could hear was my heavy breathing.

Name: Layla Williams

Age: 20

Hair: Light golden brown

Height: 5,3

Status: kidnapped at the age on 17, still missing.

Information- Has bee-

I shot up and dropped the file as I saw a picture of Layla. It was the lady I met today at the hospital...


I walked into daddy's room and climbed into his bed and hugged him because daddy's always make me feel better so it should with him to.

"Daddy don't cry. Mommy will be back soon you just have to wait, right?" daddy smiled and held me tighter I guess I can make daddy happy to!

"Thanks baby girl, I just miss her is all." I nodded, I can't wait to have mommy hug me and kiss my boo boos like daddy does to me. And do my hair like the other mommys do.

"I remember when mommy would hold you just like this when you would cry when you were a baby. But as soon a she held you, you would look up at her with a toothless smile and fall sleep just like that! I never knew how she did it but I guess it comes with being a mother. We would just watch you sleep for hours, afraid that something might happen to you while you slept. And being the young parents we were made things would be harder but we never let it get in the way. I remember the day you were born, you are so small I was scared that I would break you with the littlest touch. But now you follow me were ever I go and I wouldn't have it any other way because now your a daddy's girl, right?"

"Yea I'm a daddy's girl," I looked up at him, "daddy tell me more about mommy."

Short, I know but I said I would get it out today so here it is!

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