By Your Side (MBLAQ - Lee Joon)

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This is kinda sad. Depression is a serious thing so don't make jokes about it. Anyway I hope you like it!

You look at your reflection in the mirror. Panda eyes, pale skin, skinny, too skinny to be healthy, but you didn't care. You suspected that your boyfriend has been cheating on you for so long, now you know it's true. Your parents died in a car accident leaving you alone in this mad world. Your best friend Lee Joon was on tour with MBLAQ. You were alone with nobody by your side. Your phone rang again. You sigh and turn off the phone, looking at the dark screen you place it on the bed. You start taking your clothes off and placing them on the bed. You open the little box that is under your bed and grab the razors and start to walk to the bathroom. You look at the bathtub and start to fill it with water. You search for the bottle of pills you had and started swallowing one by one half of the bottle. As you enter on the bathtub full of hot water you feel your muscles relax. It's the time to say goodbye, the time to end it all. Tha pain, the heartbreaks, the worries, the loneliness, life. You took the razor and cut your wrist deep, letting the blood run down your arm. The water was turning pink. You make another cut, and another, and another ... Your vision starts to get blurry and you start to feel weak. The razor falls on the floor, but you don't hear the sound because you're already under the water.


_____'s best friend called me yesterday, telling me that _____ found out that his boyfriend cheated on her and that she looked so pale and skinny. I took the first plane to Seoul. I was ready to confess my feelings for her. When I arrived at Seul's airport the first thing I did was call her, but she didn't pick up the phone. I tried to call her every minute, but with no luck. I took a taxi and told the cab _____'s direction. I rang the door, but nobody answered. It was quiet, too quiet. I called _____'s best friend, she had a copy of the key. Ten minute slater she arrived and handed methe key. My hands were shaking with fear. The most horrible scenarios played in my head. Finally I could open the damn door!

-_____? _____? _____ I know you're home, I saw your car in front of the house- I shouted. The house was too quiet to be good.

I run up stairs and started to search her. Only one room was left. Her bedroom. I opened the door and I noticed that the room was in the dark. I turned on the light and noticed that _____'s phone and clothes were placed on the bed. I looked around and I saw the light of the bathroom. I opened the door. I wasn't ready for what I saw in there. 

_____ was under the water. Red water. I grabbed her and pulled her out of the bathtub.

-_____ wake up!- I took her pulse and I panicked. There was no pulse. I called the ambulance and I started to do CPR praying for her to wake up.


They took her in a room and let me out with no explanation. I called the rest of the members of MBLAQ, they loved her as their little sister. The waiting was killing me. What would I do if I lost her? Now that I realized that I loved her. Please, don't take her away from me.

The doctor opened the door.-_____'s parents?- The doctor asked. I stood up from the chair and walked up to him.

-Her parents died in a car accident, I'm ... her boyfriend-I  was lying, but I needed to know how she was.

-Oh Okay, she losted a lot of blood sir, but she's alive.- I sighed in relief- She's going to wake up in the next 48 hours. Now, you can see her. She's in the room 333, floor 2.

I walked to her room. She laid pacefully on the hospital bed. Her arms covered with white bandages, but I knew what was under them. The prove that she needed to feel loved. I sat on the chair that was next to the bed and held her hand. Hours passed and I fell asleep waiting for her to wake up.


I heard some machine making an annoying noise like " beep beep". I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a couple of times. I didn't recognize the room. I felt someone holding my hand, I looked to my right and Joon was there, sleeping pacefully while holding my hand. He was here, with me! Tears escaped from my eyes. I covered my mouth with my hands because of the sobs. The sudden moves woke up Joon.

-_____ you're awake! Why are you crying?- He hugged me, patting me head to calm me down- It's okay, you're not going to be alone anymore. You're going to come with me and the boys, this way we can take care of our princess-I was going to protest. I felt like I was bothering everybody because I was weak- No, _____, listen to me. I had a heart attack when I saw you on the bathtub covered in blood, your blood. I thought I lost you forever. I'm not going to let this happen again. I'll make sure to tell you how much I love you every day-wait ... what?- Yes _____, I LOVE YOU! I was ready to tell you how much I loved you. I will never let you fall again. Please be mine. Let me take care of you- he loved me. I nodded slowly. Maybe not now, but I will be fine with him by my side.

-Why did you do that _____? Please be honest-He sais while looking at my bandages. I looked at him.

-Because I was alone and I thought that nobody loved me, I didn't know what to do Joon, I felt so lost and confused. I feel so empty, I miss my parents ... and ... I don't know, this don't have sense to me anymore- he hugged me thightly.

-Shhhh ... It's okay, Now I'm here and I will always be by your side- he looked at me with pure love in his eyes.

Something changed inside of me. A warm feeling that I've been missing for so long. LOVE. He kissed my lips softly before kissing my bandages. Everything falls on place. Everything was right at the moment with him by my side.

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