Prove It (GOT7 - Mark Tunan) @Ebony-Rose

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You gave me an amazing storyline, but i think i messed up the story. I'm so sorry if this is not what you wanted. I hope you like it and thanks for requesting!

Ebony sighed as she saw Mark Tuan enter in the cafe.

-Good morning Ebony! Let me tell you that you look more beautiful than yesterday- He winked at you like he usually does.

-Good morning Mark! You look handsome as always- You smiled at him- Let me guess ... chocolate frapucchino?- he nodded in response. He always drinks the same. You started to prepare his frapucchino.

-So Ebony, today is the day that you will say yes to go on a date with me?- he smiled at you with his killed smile. You blushed. You have a crush on him since the first time he came to the cafe. Two months ago he started to ask you to go on a date with him, but you rejected him. You don't wanna be one of those girls who date an idol. That's totally not your style.

-Sorry Mark, no luck for you. Give up. I will reject you anyway- he looked sad and determinated an the same time.

-Why? I love you! Why don't you wanna go on a date with me? What I did wrong?- He looked so frustrated. You sigh.

-Look Mark. I love you too, but I don't wanna be one of those girls who date an idol and fans hate her. I'm not ready for this- you didn't look him in the eyes.

-But, I won't let them hurt you. I love you. I love everything about you- you looked at him with your eyes wide open.

-Prove it!- you covered your mouth with your hands. Mark stood up with a smirk on his lips and winked at you.

-I will prove it. See you tomorrow Ebony- Mark exited the cafe with a big smile on his face. You were worried. What is he going to do?

The day passes and couldn't keep Mark away from your mind. What if ... with all these thoughts you fell asleep.

Your phone buzzed. You sigh. Time to wake up. You looked at your phone and you had a text. You open it and for your surprise, was from Mark.

~~~Hey "soon to be my girlfriend"! You must be surprised that I had your phone number. Wll, thanks to your friend Aroa (sorry, it's me) wanted Jackson's number so we made a treat. Anyway please dress with that blue navy dress that I love so much. See you. I love you even if you don't believe me~~~

You laughed at his message. Butterflies filled your stomach. You took a shower and dressed. You did your make up and hair. You went to the cafe and start doing my job.


It's already break time and Mark didn't come yet. Aroa came and placed a blindfold on my eyes.

-Ebony come with me. Don't take off the blindfold okay?- You nodded. She took your hand and started to walk. After two minutes you stopped- Okay, now sit here- You sat on a chair and took the blindfold off. A stage was in front of you.

Seven boys appeared on the stage. Mark, Jackson, Yugyeom, JB, JR, Bambam and Youngjae. The performed "I Like You". Mark eyes were on yours all the time.

-Now, I'm gonna play a song that I know that you love. It's called "As Long As You Love Me"- he started to sing the lyrics. Your eyes were already filled up with tears. As he finished the song he walked closer to you- Now I am going to ask you something that I've already asked you. Will you be my girlfriend?- He did all of this to prove that he loved you. You nodded slowly.

-Mark, you never asked me to be your girlfriend. You asked me to go on a date with you, but anyway I will love to be your girlfriend- he hugged you tight.

-I promise that I will protect you from the crazy fans or from everything or anyone that hurt you- his words were filled with love and you knew he will keep his promise- Saranghaeyo Ebony.

-Saranghaeyo Mark- finally his lips were on yours. Now you believed in true love and happy endings.

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