BTS - Taehyung

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Another crash caused you to jump and then squirm even further under the covers. Thunderstorms were your weakness, your achilles heel if you must. They terrified the living daylights out of you. The light cracked through the window and before you knew it another crash boomed throughout the bedroom making you shake. You kept yourself wrapped in blankets to attempt to block out the loud sounds coming from outside. You reached for your phone hoping to maybe distract yourself from the horror going on outside your window.

As you unlocked the screen you saw that you had a text from Taehyung saying that work had held him back but he would be home soon. You smiled to yourself as you realized that this would help you calm down a bit. You heard the front door slam and Taehyung rustling his keys before his heavy footsteps sounded up the stairs.

"Tae come here please!" You yelled loud enough for him to hear down the hall. He pushed the door open and looked at you in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me ____? You've completely wrapped yourself in all of the covers. Why?" He just stared at you unsure of what to say.

"Well... It's thundering out and I got kinda scared and I don't know... I just sorta thought it'd be better if I hid? I don't know Tae. Can you please just get in bed so I can sleep?" You gave him your best puppy dog eyes look and hoped it would get him in bed. He blinked, not emotion on his tired face.

"Fine. But give me a couple minutes to clean myself up. I've been practicing for more that 10 hours. I stink."

"Okay good! I don't wanna get sticky because of your sweat" you giggled as he turned around and gave you an 'are you serious right now?' kind of look. He grunted and nodded his head once as he stalked into the bathroom. Another boom shook the house and you let out a small squeak. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't it be all sunshine always? You leaned back against the headboard and waited for Tae to come to bed.

"Tae how much longer are you gonna be?" you shouted from the bed.

"____ come on. I'll be there soon, can't you just go to sleep? You're being ridiculous!  It's just thunder," he replied.

"Kim Taehyung  you know damn well that I can't sleep! You know damn well how scared I am of thunder." He groaned at the absurdity. You were fearless. But not when it came to thunder. It terrified you and you had no clue why. You felt the bed dip as you looked out the window. His strong arms wrapped around your frame and he pulled you close to his chest. His hot breath fanned the back of your neck, his presence alone relaxing your tense body. You leaned back into his warm chest and sighed, closing your eyes and smiling a little bit. He was always so warm, the man just radiated heat. It was ridiculous but you weren't complaining. He was the best to share a bed with, who needs a blanket when your boyfriend is always a million degrees?

"That better baby girl? Daddy making you feel safe?" You didn't need to turn around to know that he had a smirk plastered on his bright red lips. To answer him you pushed back even further, making sure that you wiggled your bum around as you moved back. You heard his low purr in your ear and smiled to yourself, he would soon be melting in your hands.

"Daddy I'm cold, can you keep me warm?" you asked wiggling your body so he would pull you flush against him. He wasn't stupid, he knew what your end game was and he was more than willing to play along. His arms circled tighter around you, giving you all the warmth you needed. To be honest, you weren't even very cold at all, you just wanted to get a reaction out of him, and so far, it was working.

He kissed your neck and hugged you tighter.

"I love you Baby Girl! you hummed in response. His warmth making you sleepy.

" I love you too Tae" you said before drifting to sleep.

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