Chapter 3- No

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It's been a week since the incident with Cameron and to be honest I'm scared. What if he's planning some big prank. What if he's planning to humiliate me in front of the whole school. OK maybe I'm just being paranoid. But still!

I get up and shower and dress in sweats and a t-shirt. I leave my hair in its natural waves and throw very little makeup on. Wow for not trying, I look pretty good if I do say so myself.

Summer, Saylor and I have decided to walk to school today since it's so beautiful outside. We stop at caribou and grab some coffee, cause why not. As we walk out of the small shop, I see Cameron pull up on his motorcycle, he briefly looks at me and then looks right back down. What is wrong with him. Cameron always takes a chance to hurt me. What changed him.

We get to school and go to class right away. I have math class and I walk in, sit down and some kid walks up and simply asks if he can sit by me. He looks like a new kid so I just nod my head. I've never seen him before.

"Hi, my name is Oliver, I'm new here" He says with an accent. So he is new. He is kinda cute, but definitely not hot. He was cute in an adorable kind of way.

"Hi I'm Ryder, welcome to the wonderful pinewood high" I replied in kind of a sarcastic tone. Quite honestly I am just done with this school year. I know that we are like two weeks in, but still.

"Thanks I guess" he said, running a hand through his longish chocolate hair.

Oliver was just a couple of inches taller than me. He had longish hair, like not overly short but not surfer boy hair long. He wore glasses over his piercing royal blue eyes. Let me tell you, he was absolutely amazingly cute. But I'm not going to fall for him yet. For all I know he could be a fûck boy.


Finally class is over. I get up and grab my stuff and right as I'm about to walk out the door Oliver taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and he asks me a simple question.

"Um do you know where room 201, biology is?" He asks like he knows where it is. I am pretty sure that he knows where the room is but he still asked anyway. Whatever I guess.

"Yeah, go all the way down the corridor and it's the last door on the left." I tell him rolling my eyes while walking past him. He is kind of like a puppy dog. Always following you.

"Thanks" he calls back as we walk separate ways. I walk down to the basement for English, right now we are reading book club books, but it's not terrible I guess.

I find my group as I walk in, and instantly fall asleep. I'm just done with school at this point.


Finally the day is over, I thought. That was an unusually long day. I run up my porch to the door and walk in. I throw my bag on the table and yell "Dad I'm home!"

No answer. I try again.

Still no answer. Weird

"Dad?!" I scream while freaking out. He is always home after school.

I'm probably overreacting, he must of went to the grocery store or something like that. I look on the fridge and there it is, a note.


I had to run a few errands, I will be back soon. Please do any homework and do the dishes, thank you.

Love, dad"

I'm sitting in my room listening to music, doing homework when the phone rings. I get up off my bed and go grab it.

"Hello" I say into not recognizing the number. This is so weird.

"Hello, is this Ryder Ashton?" I hear an emotionless voice, like they hated life, but I couldn't recognize it at all. It was like one of those stupid commercial numbers.

"Yeah, mind my asking but who is this?" I said rudely getting irritated. At this point I don't even care who it is anymore.

"This is the hospital, your father was in an accident earlier today" they replied after a couple minutes in the same monotone voice. This has to be a prank. There is just no way that my dad would be in an accident, he is the most careful driver that I have ever met.

"No! It can't be true, tell me this is some kind of joke" I said on the verge of crying. I can't lose him. He is all I have. No.

"I'm so sorry" They explained like they have said the same thing over and over. It wasn't anywhere near sincer.

I couldn't listen anymore so I hung up on her. Was it the wrong thing to do, probably. Was that going to stop me from doing it, no. I didn't want her fake pitty anyway.

I ran out the front door and I just ran. I ran as fast as I could down the street and refused to stop. I didn't want to stop. Salty tears were running down my face and they wouldn't stop.

Please don't leave me daddy! I love you so much, don't leave me, was all I could think. He can't die, not now. He is

I wasn't paying attention when all of a sudden I crashed into something. Or should I say someone.

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