chapter 9

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I woke up to machines beeping over and over, without ever stopping, they were so annoying. Once I opened my eyes I was immediately blinded by the light. I sit up and suddenly realize that I wasn't in my bed or in my room at all.

“Where the hell am I?” I grunted while rubbing my pounding head. The last thing I remember is running up to my room after hearing the boys fight so much. I guess I just couldnt take it, I hate when people fight, especially my family.

“After you ran up to your room, you blacked out from all the stress and yelling and stuff. When you didn't open the door or answer us we knew something was wrong, so we kicked the door down, correction I kicked the door down, Cameron was laying on the ground sleeping, and as soon as I opened the door I saw you lying on the ground next to your bed, out cold. I woke Cameron up and we brought you to the hospital where you have been sleeping since.” Colton explains while coming to sit at the end of my hospital bed.

I blacked out? Wow. To be fair it is mostly their faults. If they just apologized to each other and talked things out like civil human beings, then none of this would have ever happened.  

“How long have I been asleep?” I ask with a yawn. I'm honestly ready to go home and sleep in my own bed, in my own room. I absolutely hate hospitals, the starial smell, the boring look, and the feeling of being locked up inside of four walls is just terrifying.

“Just for a couple days, the doctor said that once you wake up you should be able to leave and go home.” Cameron says like it's a bad thing. His voice was just laced with sadness and anger and I knew exactly why.

Just as I was about to say something the doctor walks in. “You're awake, well I'll just run a couple of test and then you will be free to go.” He states a little to chirpy for my liking.

“Ok” I simply say back, not really wanting to start a conversation.

The doctor guy checks the machines and stuff and then says something to the boys, and before I know it I'm walking through the parking lot to our car. But as soon as I see Cameron leave to his own car my heart drops. I was really hoping that they would be friends again and that we could all be one family. Not two.

“Why isn't Cameron coming with us back home?” I question Colton my voice full of sadness. I really want to stay with Cameron. Even though I barely know either one of the boys, Cameron or Colton, I feel as if I have a special connection with Cameron. Like I share a heart with him. That's what it is, Cameron and I share a heart.

“Well, Cameron and I have decided that it is best that you come and live with me and the boys. I have already shipped all of your stuff to the apartment and the boys have fixed you up a room. As much as I know you love him it is best that Cameron will be staying here in alaska with our aunt and uncle.” Colton explains to me as best as he could. I know that he forced this on to all of us and as much as we try, niether Cameron or I will have any say in this decision.

I simply don't respond. I'm afraid that if I respond to Colton I will break down in tears. I love Cameron all too much to live without him.

“Don't worry darling, we will be able to visit Cameron on holidays and such.” Colton continues even though I don’t want to hear it.

“I don't want to just visit Cameron. I want to be with Cameron. I want to be with both of my brothers. As a family.” I argue just as the first tears start to fall. I really do just want to be a happy family, like we used to be.

“*Sigh* I know princess, but this is what's best for us right now. And besides this is what our dad wanted for you.” Colton explains. I decided to just ignore Colton and look out the window. I really am going to miss this place. I'm going to miss my friends, my school, my brother. I'm going to miss alaska.

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