Chapter 4

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I wasn't paying attention when all of a sudden I crash into something. Or should I say someone.

"Sorry, sorry" I say as I get up and dust myself off. I look up to come face to face with none other than Cameron. I look straight into his emotionless icy eyes, before I quickly turn around and run away.

"Ryder wait! Don't go!" I hear him call after me. Why does he even care.

Cameron ran down the street after me. He soon catches up to me and just like on the first day of school he flings me over his shoulder. Just great.He walks and walks and walks, and I kick and kick and kick.

"I just want to be alone!" I scream at him. I really wasn't in the mood for this dimwit right now. All I wanted was to be alone.

"Well to bad so sad, now stop struggling" He replied. Which was a bad choice of words for him because I just struggled more. Why can't he take a freaking hint. I hate him!

"For all I know you could be kidnapping me." I say matter of factly, while punching his back. I wish he would seriously just put me down already! I am honestly just getting madder by the second.

"Well I'm not, that's for sure" He chuckles. He has this really deep laugh, that is actually kind of sexy. What! It is!

Why does Cameron care all of sudden, it's like ever since I set foot into his school he just started caring. He stopped with his stupid 'pranks', he stopped messing with me, and overall he just cared. He cared about me. Which is totally crazy.

"OK Ryder we are here. promise me one thing pumpkin, You won't run away when I set you down." he explained. Finally, he has been walking for like forever. Even though I'm gonna agree, I will probably run when he isn't looking.

"OK OK I won't run" I replied. I am just ready to get out of his grip, mostly so that I can knee him where the sun don't shine. But also cause this position is uncomfortable.

"Promise?" he asked me. He still would not put me down though. I was really ready to knee this kid down there. But it probably wouldn't hurt him though because he doesn't have anything, if you know what I mean.

"I promise" I told him. At that point I kind of meant it, but I kind of didn't. I just wanted to be set down.

Cameron finally set me down after what felt like forever. I look around and see that we are in a forest, right next to a tree house. Why are we here. Like seriously, he brought me to a fricken tree house in the absolute middle of nowhere!

"This is my tree house, my dad, brother and I made it when I was little. It's a great place to come to when you just need to be alone or something like that." Cameron explained. He kind of sounded sad when he mentioned his family. But to be honest, I guess I have never seen, or heard of Cameron's family.

"So why did you bring me here exactly?" I asked him with annoyance lined in my voice. I just wanted to leave. I wanted to see my dad but I also wanted to be alone right now.

"I have been needing to talk to you, and when you crashed into me I knew that you needed to talk to someone and just vent." He replied. If anything, I did not want to talk to my bully.

"Well I don't, I. Am. Fine." I hissed back. All I wanted was to be as far away from him as I could.

"Are you sure about that pumpkin" I cringed at the name he gave me. But I guess it was kind of cute how he said it. Nope, what is wrong with me. Someone send help, I am probably being possed by the devil or something.

"yep, I'm positive" I stated matter of factly. I did not need anybody. Especially not this dick right here.

"Well to bad cause I need to talk to you". He smirked while pushing me toward the ladder. I guess I am not going home anytime soon.

"Whatever" I say as I start climbing up the ladder to the little tree house. I've got to say though, tree houses are so cool!

I walk in and it's actually pretty nice. There is a small TV, bean bag chairs, a mini fridge, couch, coffee table, board games and a great lake view. It's beautiful.

"So what do you want exactly?" I asked, slowly losing my patients. No, let's be real, I lost my patience for him the moment I met him.

"First tell me why you were crying" he said while looking all over my face. I can't believe I started crying in front of him. But I guess I didn't notice.

"I wasn't, what are you talking about" I stated nervously. He can never know that I was crying. Ever.

"Pumpkin we both knew you were crying so why don't you just fess up and tell me what happened" he said in his 'older brother' voice. I even kind of liked it when he called me pumpkin. It just worked I guess. I still wanted to punch his pretty little face though.

"I'm just s-scared" I told him. I started to stare at the ground like it was the sexyist thing on plannet earth. I just want to go home.

"Of what?" he asked as his face softened. Lately I can't help but wonder if he really does care about me. But this moment showed that he really did. At least a little bit.

"It's a long story" I really just didn't want to tell him. I didn't want to start crying. I didn't want to think about it. I just didn't.

"Pumpkin you can tell me, I promise" he reassured me while trying to look into my eyes. He really did, kind of, cared.

"I-it's my dad, he was in an accident, he is in the hospital. I'm scared because I don't want to lose him. I love him, so much. He is the only family I have left." I started crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I just lost it all over again.

"Hey hey, it's okay. Come here" he said opening his arms for me, which I accepted. I guess Cameron is not so bad after all. Maybe he does care. And maybe he does want to be with me more. But it was weird, he was kind of different after I told him everything.

"Do you want to go pay your dad a visit?" Cameron asked, breaking the silence. I just nodded into his chest. I didn't want to talk at all.

We took his motorcycle to the hospital. When we got there Cameron went to the front desk and got his room number. 406. We went to the second floor and then to his room.






Cameron let me go in by myself to talk to him. I slowly walked in and there he was, lying lifelessly in bed. I took his ice cold hand in mine and just let everything out.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner. I love you so much, please don't leave me. Please just wake up. I love you so much daddy. Please wake up. I love you." I cried out to the one person I loved the most.

I was sobbing, I was exhausted, I just want everything to be the way it should be. I want Cameron to hate me, I want my dad to be okay. I wish everything was the way it should be.

The last thing I remember is letting darkness take over my body and feeling cared out of the room bridal style. 

Authors Note
Hey guys! I hope you liked it. Probably my best chapter yet. A lot happened! So what do you guys think of Cameron? How does he tie into all of this?
Well bye guys!
Love ya!

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