chapter 7

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I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. I look up to see Cameron fast asleep. I try to get out of his grasp but he just tightens his hold on me. Okay time for plan B, wake him up.

“Cameron it's time to get up, come on.” I say as I try to shake him up.

“five more minutes? Please.” he says in his low raspy morning voice. He is so cute in the morning.

“at least let go of me. Please” I say desperately trying to get off of him.

“No, don't leave me again. I just found you.” he growls as his voice cracks. He sits up and still won't let go.

“camy I'm not going to leave you. I just want to go get ready. I love you.” I say as I look into his mysterious blue eyes.

“right sorry.” he says running a hand through his hair, finally letting me go. Victory!



We are sitting at the island eating breakfast when we hear a knock at the door. I quickly jog to the door and open it to see what looks to be a girl in her early twenties. She has long blond hair and you can easily tell that she is fake. Like plastic surgery all over,fake face, fake boobs, fake àss. She is just fake.

“hi are you Cameron? I'm Brittany, from child care.” she says shaking my hand and looking me over. Gross.

“yeah I am, but more importantly why are you here?” I say while wiping my hand on my sweats. I really do hate her.

“well since you won't answer your calls, or your emails for that matter. We have come to speak to you in person.” she explains flashing a gross fake smile.

“okay then, talk.” I hissed back. I know what she's going to say, sadly.

“we have called colton, he is coming to pick her up on Friday.” she responds getting ready to leave, thank gosh.

“whatever, just get out of my house.” I growl, excepting the fact that Ryder is leaving. I also just want this lady out of my house. She smirks and turns to leave but then stops. She turns back around and quickly asks for my number. Gross.

“gross no. The only thing I'm going to give you is a restraining order if you don't leave my house within the next two seconds.” I smirk back at her. She quickly turns around and scurries out of the house as I slam the door behind her. Finally she's gone.



Cameron comes back into the kitchen with a sad expression on his face. I start to cry I heard everything and now it's true. I don't want to leave him. I love Cameron. I run  into Cameron's arms just as he starts to sob.

“I'm so sorry pumpkin. I love you so much.” he cries out.

“it's okay, I heard everything. I don't want to leave.” I cry back.

We both sit there sobbing for a long time. I don't want to leave him. I like it here. I really do. I don't want to leave my school. I don't want to leave all my friends. I don't want to leave my home. I don't want to leave Cameron. I love Cameron.

Eventually we stop crying and get ready for the day. Cameron said that he had a surprise for me. He said that it's supposed to make up for every birthday and every holiday that he missed.

I'm waiting on the couch for Cameron, when he finally comes in the room, but with a blindfold.

“okay princess come here so I can blindfold you.” he smirks.
I just nod and walk over to him. He ties the blindfold around my eyes and leads me to what I think is the back yard. He stands me in front of something.

“okay babe, you can take your blindfold off.” he says excitedly.
I quickly take the blind off to come face to face with the cutest purple dirt bike with matching jumpsuit. I love it. Im speechless. All I could do is hug Cameron.

“do you love it?” he asks chuckling. All I can do is nodd. “I know that you have been using one of dad's old bikes and I thought that it would be the right time to get you a new one. Your own.” he explains while running a hand through his hair.

“I thought we could ride together a couple times this week. Before you know, the thing.” he says unsurely.

“yeah of course. I was thinking the same exact thing! I love you Cameron!” I say excitedly.

“perfect, let's make this week the best week ever.” he responds happily.

It is perfect. Everything is just perfect. I wish I could stay here forever but of course everything good must come to an end. But until than, this is perfect.

I love it. I love Cameron.


Hey guys! I hope that you all like this chapter. Just so you all know in the coming days a friend and I are going to do a collab so make sure to check out her book “sidelines” KatA227. And thank you all for reading I really am so thankful. Please vote, comment and share!

Love ya

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