Chapter 13- Tate And The Skate Park

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The final bell rings and I walk to my locker to grab stuff and as I walk up I see the guys, but no Paisley. Probably just a little late. I walk over and wave to the guys and then try to open my devil locker. But of course it doesn't open.

"Here princess, let me do it." Tate smirks to me and lightly pushes me over as I blush and tell him my combo. He opens it with ease, that little fucker, and I just hmp in responds. He then proceeds to put my stuff away for me too!

"Okay why is Kendall over here looking like he's 'bout to shank Tate, and why is Ryder blushing!?" Paisley finally comes up but then starts to integrate us. She couldn't of waited five more minutes!

"Am Not!" Kendall and I both scream to her and immediately look at each other. At this point I think Kendall and I are more of twins then the actual twins, Paisley and Tate.

"Tate what did ya do?" Paisley ignores us and starts to question her slightly older brother in which he just shrugs.

"Chill baby sis I was just showing little miss Ryder over here how to open her locker." Tate smirks and messes up my besties hair. Oh it is on.

"First of all you are only three minutes older than me! Secondly if you were just showing Ryder how to open her dam locker than she wouldn't be blushing and Kendy over here wouldn't have a death wish on you!" She basically yells down the now empty hallway. Oh Paisley is mad!

Tate just shrugs it off and says "Really sis it was nothing let's all just go to the skate park, so I can teach Ryder to skate." He mumbles the last part, I don't think anyone else heard but I did. I heard.

Paisley grumbles out a fine and we all walk out of the building and start towards the park. Tate and I are just walking in a peaceful silence while Kendall and Paisley are chatting behind us.

"Soooooo......" I drag out and look up at Tate all while making everything ten times more awkward.

"So guess what." Tate smiles back to me but I can still see the spawn of the devil in his eyes.

"W-what?" I kinda stutter out. It's not like I am scared or anything. OK yeah I am definitely scared of what Tate is going to say or do.

"So I got new shoes from a drug dealer recently, and gosh I have no clue what he laced them with but I have been tripping the whole damn day." He smiles back to me while silently laughing to himself.

"Ha. Ha. So funny." I roll my eyes in response to his stupid joke.

"Glad you thought it was funny girly." He smirks and leans on my shoulder as we all stop at a crosswalk. When the light changes and we can cross I push his arm off of me and walk in front of him.

"How much longer till we get there?" I ask Paisley as she catches up. Not to mention I also totally ignore Tate as I walk past him.

"Like tenish more minutes. Why you tired Ryder?" Kendall cuts in and raises an eyebrow.

"What! Not at all. It's just a long walk. I just didn't think it would be this long of a walk. That's all." I confirm back to my new friends, and Tate.

"Here princess, why don't I give you a piggyback ride the rest of the way." Tate smirks in my direction and I can practically feel his devil eyes stare at me. My only response to this is a blush that I can't stop from creeping up my neck and onto my face.

Tate bends down and I climb onto his back. What! My feet are tired, and besides he offered. I can hear him smirk as we continue to walk.


We finally get to the oh so famous skatepark, and I try to get down off of Tate's back but he starts to hold on with a tighter grip. I just fold my arms and hmp in responds.

I decide that it is time for him to put me down so that I can walk around, and so I say, "Tate put me down! I have my own two feet you know!" I practically scream in his ear. He flinches and half drops me and half sets me down.

Ryder one, Tate zero, I silently laugh to myself.

"Soooo Paise, what are we gonna do now that we are here?" I question my new bestie with curiosity.

"Skate duhhh." She responds to my stupid question as she jumps on her skateboard and goes down the ramp and then over the wall thing and finally flipping her board with her feet before coming to a stop. Damn.

I, for one, am shocked. I'm speechless. I can barely stand on a skateboard without falling off, but her! She is amazing. I'm jealous.

"Close your mouth babe, you'll catch flies." She jokes as Kendall goes next. I just roll my eyes at her remark.

"How the hell did you do that?" I barely get out as I am still in shock.

"Oh that, that was nothing. Just wait till you see your little boyfriend." She teases, I just glare at her.

"Here, Ryder I can show you how." Kendall cuts in as he makes his way back to the top. Tate instantly glares at him. Ohhhh I think someone is jealous.

"OK!" I replied excitedly and as we walked past Tate I used his famous smirk against him, in which his eyes instantly got darker.

I followed Kendall over to a different part of the skate park, it was just a flat concrete area with a small ramp in the corner.

"Ok why don't we start with footing, so you're going to want to put your right foot at the front of the board and your left at the back. Ok?" Kendall explains to me while also demonstrating on his own board.

"Yep got it." I smile back to him.

"And then just push with the foot in the back. The rest is mostly balance and practise and stuff." He finishes while also running a hand through his hair. I do as he says and get all the way to the other side without falling!


Kendall and I have been working on this for about an hour now. We have been on this side just practicing and stuff, while the twins were on the other side talking and going down the bigger ramps.

I didn't even realize what time it was until my ass started to vibrate. Shit.

"H-hello." I timidly say into the phone without even looking at the caller ID. I already knew it was him. I knew it was Colton.

"Where the hell are you!" He booms into the phone making me wince at the sudden loudness.

"I'm sorry Cole, I wasn't paying attention to the time. I am still at the skatepark." I reply to him as I can basically feel the heat of his face through the phone. I know for a fact that he is incredibly angry right now.

"Stay there. I am coming to pick you up." He says coldly into the phone and then hangs up.

I just put my phone in my pocket and then wiped a single tear off my face, that I couldn't stop from falling. And right before I turned around to leave, I locked eyes with Tate. He saw. Tate saw it all.

I turned around and left without a single word to my friends. I just walked away and sat in the parking lot waiting for my brother.

But I couldn't stop thinking.

He is never going to let me ride now.                                    

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