chapter 2-School Struggals

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Ughhh, it's the first day of 9th grade and to tell you the truth I am absolutely terrified. Cameron is a senior at the same school I'm going to. This should be fun.

I jump in the shower and get dressed. I decided to wear a flowy disney tank-top with ripped jeans and white converse. I did simple makeup, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. Cute but simple.

"Ryder! You're going to be late on your first day of highschool!" I hear my dad yell up to me just as I walk out of my room. I quick yell a response as I run down the stairs and grab an apple for breakfast.

I throw my backpack on and run out the door to the bus stop after hugging my dad goodbye. I see my best friends, Summer and Saylor, the twins, waiting with a few other kids for our bus to come. The bus comes up soon after and we all pile on.

I got off the bus and was walking to the door with my friends while also comparing schedules and talking about upcoming competitions, when all of a sudden I hear the worst sound ever. The most annoying laugh. Camerons laugh.

I look around and I see Cameron and his jerky friends basically blocking the front doors. Just great. They probably think that they are so cool.

All I have to do is get through the doors without him seeing me. This shouldn't be to hard. I can do this.

"Hey pipsqueak come over here!" I hear him yell just as I think I have made it to safety.


Well I have two choices. 1. I can turn around and face the biggest jerk in school. Or 2. I can run. Let's see if I have a better chance of escaping if I run. So let's run.

I run as fast as I can down the halls. All I can here are big loud strong steps traveling close behind my own. I'm terrified of what will happen.

Why does he hate me. What have I ever done to Cameron. Why won't he just leave me alone. Why me.

I am so close. So close to my home room. So close to safety. When suddenly I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground. Cameron. He throws me over his shoulders and I immediately start punching and kicking him. He doesn't say anything but just keeps on walking.

After some time he stops, opens a door and throws me inside and then shuts the door and locks it. I look around and see that we are in an empty classroom. Not a single person.

I look in his eyes and I am only greeted with sadness. Why is he sad. He is the great Cameron Bane. The great Cameron Bane that hates me.

"why did you run? I just wanted to talk to you." I finally heard him say after what felt like forever. His voice was laced with sadness. It honestly sounded like a puppy who had lost its mother.

"Why would you want to talk to me, you hate me remember" I hissed back at him. I am so confused, why would he be sad, all he has ever wanted to do is humiliate me.

"right" he says, his voice emotionless. And his icy cold eyes filled with emptiness.

And with that Cameron turned around and left. What happened to him. Where is the Cameron that hates me. The Cameron that takes every chance he has to hurt me. The Cameron that I know.


Finally lunch. So far lunch is the only good thing about today. I'm just happy that I can see my friends without Cameron being here.

"Ashy!!!" I hear Summer yell. Ashy is the nickname she gave me since my last name is Ashton. But that's only one of many names that we call each other.

"Sunny!" I scream back. I honestly missed her so much today. All I could think about was Cameron. I'm just so confused. There has to be something that he's not telling me.

"We did it we survived until lunch" Summer explains. Honestly, besides the big ass school, with the big ass people, high school isn't all that bad. l isn't so bad.

"Yeah I guess" I reply emotionless. In a way I didn't survive. Every time I try to get away from Cameron he comes back to haunt me. He's like a creepy old ghost.

"Hey what's wrong, you're never sad" she says, her voice laced with worry and concern. The thing about Summer is she always knows when something is wrong.

"Oh nothing, just tired" I reply knowing that she knows I am lying. I really just don't want to talk about Cameron. He has been all that is on my mind.

"If you say so" she shrugged not pushing the subject. I'm glad that she dropped it, I just didn't want to talk about him. She knows how much I hate him but that is about it. I don't talk about him. Ever.

The rest of the day flew by and to be honest I'm just glad to be home. But what's wrong with Cameron. He hasn't done anything to me since this morning. He hasn't even pushed me in the halls, or knocked my books out of my hands. He just wasn't 'Cameron'. 

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