Chapter 10

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"No! You can't do that. This my life! Riding is who I am. Please." I sob falling to the floor. Riding is the one thing I Love. I have already lost everything else, I can't lose riding too.

"Princess, I know that you love riding and I know that this is what you want to do with your life, but this is just too dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt." Colton explains while picking me up and setting me back on the couch.

"Please just reconsider. Please." I cried out. 

"Ryder this is what's best for you right now" Jason says gently while lifting my chin to look in his eyes. I can't take this anymore. All they are doing is taking away every aspect of my life. I push them back away from me and sprint up the stairs to my room and lock the door all while falling on my bed sobbing.

I can hear loud footsteps charging for my room. The handle of my door jiggles and suddenly the door flies open, I must of missed the lock, revealing a scared Colton.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, I want to be alone." I scream at my brother before he has anything to say. I quickly push past him and run down the stairs and out of the apartment. Luckily we are on the first floor.

I can hear the other boys start run after me but quickly stop after hearing Colton say, "just let her go, she'll come back soon."

I decided to just go for a jog around the neighborhood. I mean it is my new home and all.

I see a park not too far from the apartment complex and choose to just hang out there for a bit. I sat down on the swing set and tried not to cry.

There are so many thoughts and questions flooding my mind right now. Soon enough a boy sits next to me.

"So what is a pretty girl like you sitting here all alone." He bluntly asks, I'm shocked.

"I don't know who you're talking about, last I checked I'm just average." I replied while standing up and walking away. No boy has ever called me pretty. Let alone a cute one.

"Oh come on, don't lie." He states. "I'm Kendal by the way." He continues when I don't reply.

"Ryder" is all that escapes my mouth. I start to leave when Kendal starts to follow me out.

"You new here?" Kendal asks me. I decided to just nod in return. "I'm guessing you're gonna go to Westwood high." Kendal continues. I shrugs back. I guess school just never really came up.

"Hey, um I better get going before I get in trouble." I finally get myself to say even though I know for a fact that I am already in big trouble for leaving.

"Ok, we'll see you around?" He replies. Kendal isn't actually that bad.

"Yeah" I say kinda excited. The truth is I actually do want to see Kendal again. He is really nice.


I very slowly open the door to the apartment and as quietly as I can sneak off to my room. I'm surprised that the boys weren't waiting by the door or something.

Just as I turn on the lights to my room, I see all three boys sitting on my bed and I jump.

"Where were you? Why did you leave? You know that you can always come to us." They all started hammering questions.

"Chill, I was at the park. And I left because all you guys are doing is taking away my life." I started with a little bit of sass in my voice.

"Pumpkin, all we are doing is protecting you. We don't want to see you hurt. We are not in any way meaning to take away your life, but more of protecting your life." Jason replied while coming up to me, to the point where he was literally towering over me.

"First of all don't call me 'pumpkin', second, you are too taking away my life. Riding is the one thing that I love. And I honestly don't want to live in a world where I can't follow my dream." I state back while slightly raising my voice at him. 

"Okay okay, let's all just calm down. We get it, you don't want to get rid of your passion, but we also can't forget the fact that this is extremely dangerous and we want to see you grow up." Leo starts.

"But the boys and I have decided to reconsider our decision, but we are not going to make any promises." Colton finishes.

I'm so happy right now, I'm pretty sure that the smile on my face is bigger than Cameron's ego. "Thank you so much!" I say as I hang on to Colton.

Colton pulls back and lifts my chin so I can look into his eyes and says, "but no promises"

"I know, thank you, thank you." I say into his chest. "Okay sweetheart I think it's time for bed."Jason says as he pulls me off of my big brother.  "Okay" I replied with a yawn.

"Also you start school in two days" Colton adds as they all say their goodnights and leave my room.

Thanks for the heads up. (Note sarcasm)


Hey guys! I am so sorry that updates have been so slow, but I do have an excuse. You see I have been on the road for about a week with no service. Then after that I got sick. I do want to say sorry but I am trying to get as many updates out as I can.

Also thank you all so much for almost 1,000 reads! Like OMG! All of this is just so surreal. I have some more to explain but will make a separate note for the rest. But thank you all so much.

Love ya
-Stephany ✌🏻

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