Chapter 11

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"Ryder, sweetheart it's time to wake up. We have a big day today and breakfast is ready" I hear a soft sing-song voice, must be Leo. Just as I start to open my eyes I am blinded by light.

"Turn the lights down! I'm up, I'm up. You don't need to permanently blind me." I say with a raspy voice as I glare at the douche who open my blind, Jason. He may be cute but when it comes to personality he is lacking.

"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean it, just be down stairs in a few minutes for breakfast." Jason surrenders while putting his hands up.

"Yeah right. Dick." I mumble back barely audible to hear. But just when I thought that I got away with it Jason starts waving his arms and runs down the stairs yelling, "Colton! Your demon sister just called me a dick" at the top of his lungs. Baby.

I quick pat down my hair and splash cold water in my face and head downtown the kitchen, the smell of French toast leading my way. When I get down to where the rest of the boys are, I can see Jason, standing next to a pissed off Colton, who by the way has his hands on his hips in true Regina George fashion, while Jason has a smug smirk on his face that I really want to give a high five to, with a chair. And let's not forget the best part, Leo is standing in the back stuffing his sticky, syrup filled, face with a plate basically reaching the ceiling to with food. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up eating the plate too.

"What did you call Jason!" Colton booms snapping me back to reality. He can get very scared when you test him.

"A-A dick" I whisper as low as I can. "But he was the one who tried to blind me in the first place." I continue. It is true though, he did true to blind me.

"*sigh* Ryder, watch your mouth before I stick a bar of soap in it. And Jason stop whining and grow up." Colton replies obviously tired and not wanting to deal with our shît right now.

We all eat breakfast, which was amazing by the way, and then finish getting ready. I decided on black jeans with suspenders hanging down, a white cami with a red flannel, and a beanie and pair of converse. I also did natural makeup and kept my hair wavy. Jason had on jeans and a black v- neck. Colton had a hoodie and jeans on, he is such a white girl. And Leo had his normal sweats and white tee shirt.

"So where are we going! Huh, huh, huh!" I nudge Cole. "School shopping" he rolls his eyes at me. "Oh" I say as my spirits drastically drop.


We get to a store about ten minutes away and Jason and Leo go get folders and notebooks and shīt while Cole and I go get a backpack and pencils and ish.

"What about this one!" I say excitedly as I hold up a cute pastel backpack and smile like it's the highlight of my day, even though it probably was.

"Fine." Cole replies all grumpily as he rubs his forehead like an overworked dad.
Looks like somebody has a stick shoved up there ã*s.

"What did you just say!" Colton hisses in my ear. Shît Did I say that outloud? "Um, yeah you did!" He growled  again. "Oops" I shrug back. Colton just goes and finds the other boys and tells them to finish up and that we will meet them in the car. I'm so dead.

"Why on earth would you ever say that!" Colton roars as soon as we reach the car. He is really mad. There is definitely no way of getting out of this one. Great job Ryder *note sarcasm*

"I dunno, but we were all thinking it" I mumble the last part, hoping that he wouldn't hear it. But lucky for me, he did. I really need to stop.

"Just get in the car Ryder. I don't want to hear anymore from you tell we get home." He sighs, you can tell that he is really disappointed. I do as told and get in and put my head down.

Soon enough the other two boys show up and we head home. As we get home Colton tells the boys to leave the bags in the living room and "play video games or something". As for me, he just says to meet him in the bathroom and wait. Great.

He eventually comes in and goes straight for the cubbies. He grabs a new bar of soap and you all know what happens next.

"I'm not going to lecture you on how cussing is bad because you already know that, but sometimes you need to think about what you say cause it can really hurt people. Now since you did cuss though, twice, you are going to sit there for two minutes, okay?" He explains as he bends down to my level. I just nod because, you know I have a foul tasting box thing stuffed in my mouth!

Two minutes go by quick enough and Colton sends me to my room till dinner. Sometimes I really do hate him. The rest of the night goes by and I soon enough go to bed and wake up to an asshat trying to blind me all over again.


Hey guys, I'm back! I'm not dead. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been busy with school and stuff but I'm back. If you guys have any prompts or suggestions please comment them. Also please vote and share.  And thank you guys so much for 1.2K reads. It's so surreal.

Luv ya,

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