chapter 6

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I woke up shivering on the couch. I reach for a blanket, but to only find emptiness. I sit up and rub my eyes. Jeez it's cold. I look around the vacant room and soon realise that I'm still in the living room where I learned that my father is d-dead.

I immediately started crying and Cameron rushes into the room. His piercing blue eyes scanning the room and quickly land on me huddled into a ball on the couch.

“Hey, hey, you're okay. Shh. It's okay. You're okay pumpkin. Shh.” he said repeatedly. His voice came out low and quiet, almost as if he was unsure or scared.

He carefully picked me up bridal style and just rocked me back and forth keeping me close to his chest. He did this until I stopped crying and was just sniffling.

“Cameron?” I asked in my smallest voice possible. I really just need to know the rest.

“yeah babe.” he responds looking down at me.

“what more is there?” I say quietly, cuddling further into his chest.

“*sighhhhhh*, well, you see, um, well. I'm your b-b-brother.” he stuttered. Cameron never stutters. He must be serious.

“what? You can't be my brother. I would know. Wouldn't I?” I respond harshly. I moved up a little and stared right into his wondering eyes.

“you and I were best friends when we were young, I loved you so much. 

Colton and I would go riding almost every weekend. Dad hated it. I wanted you to come too so I convinced colton to take us to a show one time when dad was gone. Dad never wanted you to ride like us, to him you were a little princess. He didn't want you to get hurt, or at least that's what we thought.

You loved that show and when dad got home you ran up to him and said ‘daddy! Daddy! I want to go on the big bikes just like the boys!’ let's just say we were grounded for weeks on end. You wouldn't stop bugging him about it to the point where he let you ride. Dad and I never got along well, I honestly think he was jealous of our relationship, but he was jealous of you.

Me and him got into a huge fight about a year later about you riding. He knew you would be a great rider. And you were. Our father used to be the best in the world and of course he didn't want anybody ruining that, not even family.

Colton never wanted to go to competition, he just wanted to stay at home with family. Dad would always yell at me when I begged him to let me go.

After that big fight I packed a bag and ran off. I couldn't live with him any more. He never loved me anyway. I went to live with our aunt and uncle and they let me go to competitions. I eventually beat out good old dad, and then he let you compete.

He wanted you to beat me. He used you. He hated me.

I guess that he just never told you about me, and soon you just forgot all about me. He lied to you. He lied to you about everything.” Cameron explained, his eyes tearing up.

“oh” was I could say. I didn't know. I can't believe it. I just couldn't.

“I'm sorry Ryder. I really do love you.” Cameron said.

“it's fine, I love you too” I replied.

We were interrupted by the phone ringing. Cameron moved me onto the seat next to him and went to go get it.

Camerons POV

“hello” I say into the phone, not knowing who it is.

“hi, is this Cameron?” a sickly sweet voice chirps through the phone.

“um, yeah. who are you and what do you want” I hissed into the phone.

“well this is child care and I am here to inform you that Ryder Ashton is to be sent to live with Colton Ashton.” she informs me.

“can't she just live here? I mean I am also her brother.” I say confused.

“No she can't. You are a minor and it is law that she is sent to live with her older brother.” she replied in her obviously fake voice.

“whatever” I say back, and with that I hung up the phone.

I jog back into the living room to find Ryder sitting on the couch staring at me with her adorably large blue eyes.

“Hey pumpkin” I call out smiling.

“who was that on the phone?” she asks in the most innocent pure voice ever.

“oh, no one. Just an old friend.” I reassured her. She can't know the truth. Not yet any way.

“oh. Can we watch a movie?” she asks excitedly.

“yeah of course pumpkin. How about ‘Tangled’.” I suggest. I know for a fact that that's her absolute favorite Disney movie. She would beg to watch it every night when we were little.

She just nods. I put the movie in. I went to make popcorn and grab a blanket. I returned to find her signing along to one of the songs. She's so cute. I sit down and pull her into my chest while pulling the blanket over us and handing her popcorn.

And that was it. We sat there watching Disney for the rest of the night. It was one of the best nights. I love her so much and to be honest I don't know what I'll do without her. But until then, I'm going to spend as much time as I can with my little sister. Now that she is finally home, that is.

Authors Note

Hey guys! I hope you all like this chapter, this is one of my favorites so far. So what do you guys think of all the new info? Thank you all so much for reading and please vote and share, it helps me out a lot. Thank you!

Love ya,

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