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(EDITED BADLY) Screeeee ahh btw the song above is actually some song i did for some art project and ended up putting it on the chapter for some reason but a lot of people liked it so im gonna keep it

Everyone thought that Zoe was the biggest man hater ever. She always despised every male except for Percy. A lot of people would assume that she was just like that with Percy because they had a past, but there was more to it. Zoe always pondered on the idea of telling Percy that she liked him.

Did he like her back? Probably not. But now he was dead. And she just couldn't seem to process that. Percy couldn't be dead.. He was so strong. He was invincible in her vision, the strong hero that could never be defeated. But here she was, just told that her saviour had been killed by someone else she deeply trusted. Zoe thought to herself, what was Artemis to her? A mentor, a friend, maybe more. Artemis and Percy made him feel like she had family, something she never had.

If someone had told her that Artemis would shoot Percy and kill him before, she would've slapped them silly. It was so confusing, wondering why Artemis chose to shoot Percy. Why Artemis and Orion was all buddy buddy.

Unable to rest, she got out of bed, stretching warily. She ran her fingers through her hair, unable to focus on anything at the moment. She played with the ends of her hair subconsciously, staring out the small window. She walked out despite earlier being told to stay in bed. She wandered through the campsite, not bothering to change or fix her appearance. She ended up at Phoebe's tent, the daughter of Ares had chosen hers too have red highlights on her tent to match her personality and ginger hair. Zoe walked in, knowing that Phoebe didn't mind at all.

She saw Phoebe sitting on her bed, reading a book by herself. She was tapping her foot to a non existent beat in her head, flipping the page slowly. She didn't seem to notice that Zoe had just come in. The brunette walked up next to the daughter of Ares and poked her.

Phoebe immediately reacted by turning around and kicking her on instinct. Zoe let a small 'oof' come out from her lips before landing on her butt. Phoebe immediately jumped to her feet, scolding Zoe for doing that. "Aren't you supposed to be in the infirmary?" She asked, helping Zoe up. She nodded, keeping her straight face. "Yeah I think so." Phoebe gave her a "bruh" look. "I'm not even going to ask.." She mumbled, jumping back on her bed. She stared at the ceiling for some time, her face showing deep thought. "I never thought that Percy would do that you know." Zoe looked away, trying to keep her tears in. Was she talking about Percy's death? She didn't think that he would die?

Zoe shakily nodded. "I know." Phoebe patted her on the back. "But we have Orion now, we have to take out the bad apples from the bunch am I right?" Zoe nodded absentmindedly, her fingers fidgeting with her sleeves. "Wait what?" Her face contorted in confusion, looking back at Phoebe warily. "Percy. The bad apple", she said in an obvious tone. Zoe furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, before suddenly jumping up from the bed. "That's why! Orion lied!" Phoebe pressed her lips together, not knowing how to react. "Artemis said you might be like this.." Zoe turned back to her, her eyes scanning Phoebe like a hawk. "Like what?" She asked tauntingly.

"Be confused and delusional", she said quietly. Zoe clenched her fists, kicking her table. Phoebe flinched, scooting away from her lieutenant. "I'm not confused! I know exactly what happened!" She bursted out, stomping away from the ginger.

Phoebe sighed as Zoe exited her tent, sitting back down on her bed. "Sometimes that girl is too much.." She muttered, picking up her book and flipping to where she left off.


Confusion and anger was all that ran through Zoe's mind. Obviously Orion had lied and probably convinced Artemis he was innocent over Percy. She stopped in her tracks, thinking back. No.. That didn't sound right. Orion over Percy? That was what didn't make sense. Artemis was smart enough to pick her childhood best friend over some guy she'd met a few weeks ago right? She didn't know what to believe anymore, everything was just a mess. She suddenly realized she had wandered away from the campsite.

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