Empty Promises

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(EDITED BADLY) censorship lvl over 9000 club penguin could never

Artemis was a mess.

She showed this cold, brave part of her to the rest of the hunt, like their leader was willing to do anything to protect them. Sure, some new girls were relieved but the older ones knew that it wasn't right.

Artemis knew it wasn't right too. She didn't even let Percy talk. She sighed, walking out of her tent. She went to the infirmary to inform Zoe that it was dinner, only to find an empty bed.

Artemis furrowed her eyebrows. Where could she be? Of course she would leave- that girl was more stubborn than her father. She sighed, bringing her hand up to massage her temples. "God Zoe.." She muttered, setting out to find Zoe. She exited the infirmary, still thinking about where Zoe could possibly. She bumped into Phoebe straight on, Phoebe stumbling a bit before standing up. "Lady Artemis."

Artemis nodded, not bothering to exchange formalities. "Have you seen Zoe?" she asked, keeping a straight face.

Phoebe nodded, a curious look coming onto her face. "She came into my tent earlier", she stopped, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Had she not come to talk to you?" the goddess shook her head, walking away from Phoebe.

Artemis went around, asking if any of the girls had seen Zoe. "Yeah we saw her, she went for a walk in the forest." she hesitated, clenching her fists. "Did any of you see her come back?"

They all looked expectantly at each other expecting an answer from one of them. Instead all of them shook their heads, starting to mumble amongst themselves. Artemis' heart froze in fear, trying not to look worried in front of the girls. "I'll be back, she announced firmly, trying to keep her voice from cracking. They all hesitantly nodded, going back to doing whatever they were doing. She walked into the forest calmly before breaking into a sprint, calling out Zoe's name. "Zoe? Where are you?!" She screamed, trying to see if there were any footprints. There was fresh snow on the ground, the continuous amount of snowflakes falling almost mocking her.

She had nothing to find Zoe. She kicked the snow angrily, glaring at the sky with annoyance, her teeth clenched. "Gods damn it Zoe.."

She continued through the forest, the freezing cold nipping at her skin. If I'm this cold, then Zoe must be- A cold sense of hopelessness washed over her, almost causing her to break down. No. I'm going to find her. She continued walking through the forest, hoping for the best. The snow crunched under her feet, the snow starting to pile up into a thick layer. Frick. She might even be buried in the snow at this rate. She picked up the pace, continuing to scout around the forest. The possibilities continued to get worse and worse in her head, the visions of Zoe dead filling Artemis' mind.

I can't afford to lose her.. I can't.. "Zoe please.." She shuddered, trying to keep the tears in her eyes.

She suddenly got a glimpse of silver in the corner of her eye, her face darting in that direction. She ran over, almost tripping over the thick amount of snow that kept building up. "Zoe! Zoe-" She collapsed onto her knees, scraping the snow off Zoe's unconscious body. She turned her over, cradling her in her arms. "Oh Zoe.." She hugged her, trying to feel her temperature. Her pulse and breath was shallow, slowly becoming weaker over time. She barely had any heat emitting from her anymore, her body cold and seemingly lifeless.

Artemis picked her up bridal style, trying to give her some of her body heat. She scrambled back where she came from, following the fading footsteps in the milk white snow. Zoe's heat continued to fade, her heartbeat eventually becoming too weak to even feel. "No Zoe! Don't you dare! Don't you dare-"

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