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Thank you guys so much for getting me a high ranking on every single book lmao y'all are so supportive

"And then her skirt just went flying off like whapow!", I explained to Jason about the events that happened earlier. "Okay, I have questions", he said. I sighed, preparing for intellectual questions. "Did you look at her without her skirt and if so what colour was it?" he asked me seriously. "Why would I look at her undergarments, Jason?!" I asked, surprised that he would ask that.

"Come on Perce", a grin broke across his face, the tiny scar on his lip stretching along with it. "White..." I said, ashamed of myself for paying such close attention to that. "Details!" Jason said happily, while I blurted out the details, slowly getting excited. I mean, what's wrong with two hormonal teen boys talking about what they saw underneath a girls skirt? Absolutely nothing.

After a long time of discussing, we decided it was getting late and we should go to dinner. "And Jason", I called out to him. "Don't tell anyone we were doing this."


I went to the arena, looking at the hunters destroy the poor dummies. I watched as they got stabbed and slashed, fabric oozing out of the large holes that they had created. I winced as I saw one of them cut off the entire head of one of the dummies.

I breathed in, then walked towards them confidently. "Hello girls." They looked at me again like I was a weird bird eating paper. I cleared my throat, trying to regain my composure. "I'm going to be travelling with you guys, so I thought it would be better if we got along." They didn't say anything to me, continuing to ruin the dummies. I sighed heavily, knowing that this would be difficult.

I left them alone, going towards the river to make myself feel better. I sat at the edge, bringing my legs closer to my chest until inhaling. I looked up into the sky, I felt sad for no reason when I saw Artemis. Her face seemed familiar to me but I couldn't tell where I knew her from. 'You're just hallucinating', I thought. 'All the salt water has finally got to your brain'.

"Is that why they call you Seaweed brain?" I immediately got up but tripped over oxygen and onto the floor in a heap. I heard a soft giggle and I looked up to see Artemis. Her auburn hair flowed down her shoulders in a heap and I couldn't help but wonder if it was a natural look.

"Are you okay?" she asked, still trying to hold in her giggles. "Yeah", I said sheepishly. "Do you remember me Percy?" I stared at her with a curious glance.

"No?" She looked back at me and smiled, seemingly remembering an old memory. "Is that a question?" I shook my head quickly. "I heard you looked up Zoe's skirt." I freaked out but all that came up in my head was "skirt skirt".

" If you're traveling with teenage girls that are mostly attractive, you must..." My mind blanked out and I started bobbing my head to Gucci gang then saying skirt skirt in my head. "Why do girls wear skirts?" She looked at me weirdly, as if I grew a fish from my head.

"Okay Percy... Just don't get to hormonal okay?" I looked at her amused. "Yes because I can control my hormones." She didn't look amused but her eyes had a twinkle of amusement in them. "I'll see you tomorrow Percy." I nodded, still jamming out to Gucci Gang in my head.

"Skirt skirt." Something hit the back of my head and I almost screeched at whoever did it but I managed to not release all of the sounds that were trapped in my mind. "reee", I exhaled. Annabeth sat next to me, and I tried my hardest not to say skirt skirt.

"What are we Perce?" I sighed, looking at Annabeth's princess curls. "I don't know Annabeth, aren't you the smart one?" Realizing what I said was incredibly offensive, I slithered away from her. At least I tried to.

"Are you... Crawling?" She watched as I tried to reach the water and just sink. "I think I knew Artemis, she's just really familiar." She looked at me curiously.

"Maybe you just knew her from a book?" I shrugged, laying down with my hands behind my head. "Life is complicated Annabeth." She looked at me, her eyes glazed.

"Didn't know that 'till you told me that." Sometimes no one even knew if she was serious or sarcastic, all in all she was just a confusing girl in general. How's living going?" She sighed and massaged her temple as if I was giving her cancer.

"It's fine other than the fact that some stupid goddess thinks she can just march in here and steal-" she stopped herself. "I'm fine." I rubbed my eyes, 'she's definitely triggered', I thought in my mind.

"PMS, PMS", I chanted in my head. " you should sleep." I laughed softly, "Says you, miss sleep is for losers". She just sat there, her stormy eyes looking distracted. I could only imagine she was chanting something along the lines of boy periods.

"Remember when you wanted to join the hunters of Artemis?" She nodded, "yeah?"

"Was the pamphlet nice?" She nodded, looking at me weirdly. "I'm gonna go sleep okay? You should get some rest." She played with her hair as if she was nervous, was she going to assassinate me or something?!?

She touched my shoulder and got up. "See you on the flip side Perce." She walked away leaving me alone with my thoughts.

'What was Artemis to me and if she's a maiden goddess why does she make herself look so good?' I stopped myself right there. 'Whatever'.

Can someone just appreciate the fact that I woke up at 6 in the morning to do a 1000 word chapter plz thx

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