Not An Update

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I'm actually at a party right now but being the introvert that I am, I'm continuing my story so, enjoy this update. BTW I type's this on my phone so be proud.

Percy focused on sailing back to camp half blood while his time on the wooden raft.

He sat on it for about an hour, playing with his pen and pretending it was star wars.

"Pew, pew, pew." Percy said as he waved around his pen shooting imaginary ships.

(My brother does this so)

The raft moved very fast so he was quite surprised when they he took off speeding.

There was a one time where he was flying his "spaceship" too far and he lost his balance and fell into the dark blue water.

He quickly tried to keep up with the raft but even being a son of Poseidon he couldn't keep up.

He tried his hardest and finally grabbed hold of the wooden raft.

Throwing himself up, he sat on the raft soaking wet.

He quickly dried himself and looked into the water to see a 6 foot great white following his raft.

Still bored, Percy decided to speak to the shark.


"Lord! I am a very big fan! Where are you going?" The exited shark said into Percy's mind.

"By this time Ideally don't know..." Percy said deflated.

"Well on this direction you should be headed towards long island." The shark told Percy trying to help.

"Oh that's great! Thanks, um, do you have a name?" Percy asked the great white.

"My friends call me whitey."

"Oh well, thanks whitey!"

The shark seemed to nod as it started to swim away.

"I'm glad to help you lord." The shark said as he went back to the depths of the ocean.

Percy looked at the spot the shark once was.

He was beginning to miss Whitey. And Calypso.


He looked into the sky and wondered when he would ever get back to her.

'Maybe if I kept the raft?' Percy thought as he started to see land.

He quickly stood up and waved his hands around.


He was miles away from any land I don't know what he would expect.

When he reached the beach he jumped off the raft and grabbed it by the sides.

It struggled from his grip but Percy refused to let it go.

Meanwhile Will Solace was walking along the beach just after mending up Beckendorf's leg from the last capture the flag game.

"Will!" Percy shouted at the blonde haired healer hoping to get his attention.

Will looked at the water also noticing Percy.

"Percy!" Will said surprised because the whole camp thought he was dead.

"Will help me!"

Will hurried into the water struggling with Percy to get the raft onto land.

They finally got it on land and the raft stopped moving.

"What IS that?!?" Will asked Percy gasping for breath.

"I'll explain *gasp* later." Percy said as he collapsed.

Will had fast reflexes and grabbed Percy before he fell.

Making his calculations he decided that Percy had passed out from dehydration and exhaustion.

He picked him up and carried him to the infirmary.

Putting him on the bed, he sat down sighing and drank a cup of water.

The cup was labeled "#1 medic" and the camp had given it to him for his 15th birthday.

He put water in Percy's mouth and left to call the rest of the camp.

CANLD (if anyone can guess what this is I'll double update, the hint is the picture above)

Percy woke up to the whole camp staring at him in his sleep.

Startled he jumped up and fell off the bed onto his stomach.


Everyone laughed and Beckendorf pulled Percy up.

"Hey man, we thought Artemis and the hunt had killed you!"

"How long have I been gone?" Percy asks, confused.

"About a month."

Percy looked around.

"I've been gone almost a month?"

"Yeah that's why we thought you were dead." Beckendorf told Percy.

"Annabeth will kill me!" Percy got up and ran to the Athena cabin only to find the door locked.

He climbed in through the window and went to Annabeth's bunk.

A figure was curled up in a ball crying.

"Annabeth?" Percy creeped slowly towards her.

She looked up.

"Percy? Percy! Percy?!? Percy!!"

She raised her fist and Percy prepared for the hit to come on his shoulder.

Instead of pain he felt Annabeth hugging him, crying into his shirt.

"Annabeth... You're ruining my shirt."

She punched him.

"And you made me worry so much!"

Percy laughed sheepishly and scratched the back if his head.

"And where did you get that shirt?"

"Yeah this girl named Calypso was really nice and-"

Annabeth slapped him.

"Are you serious?!?"

Percy rubbed his cheek and pouted.

"What did I do?!?"

"Just let me know one thing."

He nodded still rubbing his cheek.

"Do you like her?"

"Um, yes?"

"I just... I just need to not be around you right now."

She left the cabin with a confused Percy sitting on her bunk.

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