Just You Wait

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I know what you're thinking. FFS WHY MUCH YOU MAKE SO MANY PROBLEMS D:<
Well I'm just trying to make new ships, leave me alone. So perlypso will be a new ship, feel free to vote for perlypso any time.
But for now perzoe is still happening and you welcome for the early update. (I'm on a 7 hour plane back to Canada and I'm bored.) So enjoy this chapter.

Percy looked at Calypso closer.

"You look familiar..."

"Lord Perseus have you forgotten who I am?"

Ever since Percy flashed his face into the dirt he has lost all memory of before again.

(XD more problems for you)


"Do you prefer if I do not call you lord?"

"Uh, yeah. Thanks."

"So what are you doing here, visiting me."

"I, uh... I don't know how I got here."

Calypso's eyes widened.

Could it be? Percy was a demigod?!?

"Come with me Perseus."

Percy followed Calypso into her kitchen and she grabbed a knife.

"Cut yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"Cut yourself with this knife."

"Um, why?"

"Just do it."

So Percy grabbed the knife and cut himself on the arm.

Blood trickled out of the cut and Calypso gasped.

"Oh gods, Percy what happened to you?"

"Sorry I don't know you, you must have me confused with someone else."

"Somebody killed you didn't they."

"Okay I don't get what you're saying now."

Calypso chuckled.

"You were a god. But now you're not."

Percy scrunched his eyebrows.

"I was? And how do you know?"

Calypso chuckled again.

"If you studied your Greek mythology, you would know me."

"Wait... You're that Calypso?"

"Yes I am."

"I still don't know who you are I was just pretending I knew sorry."

Calypso looked at Percy and face palmed.

"Of course."

Percy shrugged.


"Well I'll tell you in the morning. You need sleep right now."

"Where do I sleep?"

"In my room."


"On the floor you hormonal teenager."

Calypso shook her head and lead Percy to her room.

"You're sleeping on the floor, I'll get you a mattress."

She left the room and Percy looked around.

He fished the last drachma from his back pocket and threw it in the air.

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