Chapter 8: What up with those cat flats?

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       As josh and I strolled down the halls, I tried not to make contact. We finally arrived at the admissions office. "I'll wait out side for you Maddie" he whispered this in my ear, with his lips brushing against it. I nodded, but I was thinking why wait for me? Whatever. I knocked on the already opened door, and the lady turned around. "Oh! Madison you startled me." I gave half smile, and she told me to sit down while she printed my schedule and locker number. "Here you go. I took the liberty of writing the room numbers on the side of each class dear." She smiled with her long white teeth. "Oh thank you ma'am" I replied sweetly. Ya, thank you so much for doing your job, I thought. Which was a stupid thought because I snickered out loud. "Is something funny, my dear Madison" Really! Enough with all the dear Madison's, seriously you sound like Sherlock Holmes. "Oh no nothing." She gave a little stern look, but it quickly faded. "Well at Franklin Regional High we want to make sure that you are included in many extra-curricular activities within the school. Is there anything you are interested in?" My mom told me all about the extra-curricular activities here. "Well I understand you do Campus Ministry with the church next to here, I really love youth ministers." I smiled."Oh! yes that's an excellent activity, you can even help the youth ministers with the young children in our elementary wing." She made me get excited. "What are your favorite hobbies?" she asked. "Well I dance, and I love singing and writing." I shyly said. "Well we have a wonderful creative writing department, and we do carry voice lessons. We even have a talent show every year." I pretended to be in awe. "Well dear it's 8:17 homeroom starts in a few. Get your locker organized." I nodded and said thank you. I walked out the door and the lady turned back to her computer. "What's your locker number?" Josh asked curiously. "238" I replied. "Cool! Mine is 236, so whenever you need anything, like a guide, I'm just to lockers away." He smiled with his straight teeth. We walked to our lockers and I put my books away except for my Geology book and notebook. "So what's up with those cat flats." Josh smirked. "I don't know why I even bought these, I hate cats." Josh smirk faded and turned into a confused face."You hate cats! What the H.E. double hockey sticks is wrong with you." he laughed. Then I started laughing "What's wrong with you, did someone run over yours?"I smiled, while he began to coldly stare at me."Yes." Josh weakly said. I covered my hand over my mouth. "I..I'm" I stuttered trying to find the words to an apology. Then I saw him laughing at me."Madison, you are too vulanerable." huh? "Um how did you know my name was Madison?" I hate the name Madison, but I love Maddie. "I overheard your conversation with Ms. Kristie O' Brien, head of the admisssion. I also know that your into Campus Ministry, singing, writing, and I'm guessing you like reading." he smirked with accomplishment. The bell finally rang. "Who's homeroom do you have?" Josh asked. "Mrs. Kelly" Josh frowned. "Oh I have Mrs. Wu, but don't worry I have first period with you." Josh guided me to Mrs. Kelly's room and told me he'd see me later.

A/N: I know this was a boring chapter so I'm going to start making it more interesting for you guys. Sorry, but the next chapter will be very interesting. I promise. 

I'd like to say thank you to carter, who told me she liked my story.

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