Chapter 9: A Player?

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             As I walk to homeroom I take a seat in the front middle, because every year I try to be a teachers pet. Then a thin, blond girl takes a seat next to me."Hi, I'm Chloe you must be the new girl." she sounded really sweet, but looked sort of familiar. "Hi, my name is Maddie." She smiled then her face turned into a suprised look. "Wait! what's your last name!" "Ziegler" I replied. She gasped. "Your Maddie Ziegler, Ms. Abby goes on and on about you. You have to join the ALDC." I started giggling knowing the excitment she would get when I tell her that I would be auditioning. "Oh, I am auditiong today." I said politely. "Oh your an automatic shoe in then." she said as I smiled. "There's some things that you need to know before you get comfortable here. I saw you walk in with Josh Hyland. He's a player and hits on every girl that's so called "worthy" of him. He might act like your friend, but trust me every year there's about ten girls he goes out with, and he starts friendly with all of them." I nodded tellling her I understood, but was really disappointed inside because Josh didn't seem to be a player. I knew I could trust Chloe though, mainly because she looked honest, and down to Earth. "Don't worry, I just met him. I don't like him or anything." I said confidently, which made Chloe believe I was telling the truth, but was I?


           I'm walking to homeroom, when all of the sudden I see a familiar girl walking with Josh. I knew she was new, but I knew I recognized her from somewhere. I was kind of angry, so as the girl sat down in the empty seat that is next to mine, I introduce myself. I find out she is Maddie Ziegler, the girl I always lose to. I actually want to be friends with her, because she seems nice, but I warn her about Josh, I told her " There's some things you need to know before you get comfortable here. I saw you walk in with Josh Hyland. He's a player and hits on every girl that's so called "worthy" of him. He might act like your friend, but trust me every year there's about ten girls he goes out with, and he starts friendly with all of them." She nodded which made me calm down a little, and she even told me that she didn't like him. I believed her, maybe Josh tried to hit on Maddie but she averted away from him or I could actually believe that Josh was just helping her, I mean even though Josh Hyland never helped a girl, just to be helping, Maddie was a little like me, plain, simple, and shy. If he doesn't hit on me, why would he hit on Maddie?


         I knew Chloe was just protecting me, so I didn't mind her telling me to watch out for Josh Hyland. "What are your classes before lunch?" I ask her. "Advanced Geology, Language, A.P. Literature, and P.E." she told me. "Oh cool! I have everything you have except P.E." I excitedly said. When you first get to know me, you might think that I hide my excitement towards others, but this wasn't the case. I knew I would like Chloe, she was so sweet. "Yay!" she had an excited look on her face, and I saw two cute gaps in her teeth, right after the two middle teeth, she gave me a quick hug. Then the bell rang. "Geology is my favorite subject!" she said. I groaned "I like literature and English." I said. We walked in and I saw Josh. "Josh is in advanced Geology?" I whispered. "Oh advanced geology just means smart sophmore's get to take junior geology." she giggled. "Oh." I took a seat in the middle front next to Chloe. Josh sat right behind Chloe. "Hey Maddie." he said with a stupis smirrk on his face. I could see Chloe frown, and as her new bff I decided to tell him off. "Hi" I said sternly. "Something wrong Madison ?" Oh I'm so happy he askedbecause I had a great answer. "Ya, I'm so tired of everyone telling me not to hate the player, hate the game. Well I say hate the PLAYER and the stupid game." Josh looked confused then frowned while Chloe smiled.

A/N: I think this is the best Chapter yet. I loved how in the begining Maddie and Chloe's paragraph ended with them questioning themselves and Josh.

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