Chapter 14: Josh Move!

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I wake up at 7:15 in the morning. I take a shower, brush my teeth and blow dry my hair to its naturally straight state. I throw on a lilac purple, flowy, long sleeve top. Then I put on dark skinny jeans. I gave myself mermaid waves then braided my bangs and clipped them. I then put on my normal pale nude eye shadow along with dark brown for my crease.I put on a bit of black pencil liner and mascara. I never put on liquid eye liner or wing it out like chloe does. After that I headed out of the arch and into the kitchen. I toasted bread and spread nutella on it. I heard everyone waking up so I looked at my watch. It was already 8:45 I was going to be late. "Mom can I go to school on my skateboard like I use to, I'm going to be late." "Do you know where to go?" That was a stupid question. "Yes" I replied. "Ok then." I was so happy I threw on some cream colored converse and headed out. I Grabbed my happy snails Vera Bradley backpack and headed off. When I arrived I skated through the halls and stopped at my locker to find the nuisance Josh Hyland. I threw my skateboard in my locker in anger then ajusted a grey beanie i founf in my locker ontop of my head. I slammed my locker to see Josh casually smiling. "I didn't know you skateboard." He said casually. "What do you want? " I asked. "Listen I know that you have me all painted out but I want you to know the whole painting. Please get to know me better, are you doing anything after school?" he asked me. I really didn't like Josh but he seems really sincere and he might date a lot of girls but there must be a reason he broke away. And on the first day he did ignore his friend to help me pick up my books. "Well I don't have dance today so what are you thinking of?" I said nicely.  "You wanna go skateboarding and maybe get some ice cream." I liked the idea but it sounded like a date, and seeing what happened yesterday I really didn't want to go. "Um, sure where should I meet you." I asked. "Well a block away from the school is a water fountain surrounded by lights you won't miss it." he says excitedly. Of course! "Ok I'll be there." I smiled. "See you there!" he smiled. Nothing interesting happened at school so I was really excited to skateboard in Pittsburgh for the first time. I called my mom to tell her and went straight to the fountain. There was Josh sitting on the ledge of it. "Ready? he asked me." "Yup, it isn't far is it?" I ask. "No just five minutes away." he tells me. We hop on our boards and skate away. He's going really slow and it's even worse because he's infront of me. Soon we come close to a subdivision and a car is coming towards us. Since Josh was so slow I tried to speed him up by going faster. The car came closer and I could see that Josh wouldn't get hit, I would. "Josh move!" I shouted. He turned around and saw me right behind him.  Our boards collided and I was sent flying to the cement sidewalk. Josh just fell on his  knees and hands. My vision was blurry  and I saw the car come to a stop. The guy inside came running to me, and so did Josh. "Maddie!" Josh cradled me into his arms and I regained sight. "I'm so sorry are you ok?" he asked. "You gotta watch out for those cars dude." I smiled weakly. "He laughed even though his eyebrows were still burrowed in concern. "She's ok you can go." Josh told the man who drove the car. "Maddie the side of your forehead is bleeding." he said while stroking my memaid waves away from  my face. "It's just a scrape." I reassured him even though I didn't know what it looked like. "No it's dripping blood. " he slightly whispered. "Oh, sorry." I stupidly said. Josh stuck my beanie in his jean pocket, picked me up, and carried me to a strip of bricks that I could lean my back against.  He crouched down to me ,"Why are you apologizing?" he asked with a smile. I didn't answer. He took off his jacket. "What are you doing?" I asked in a squeaky voice. He took out a water bottle unscrewed it and poured some over the low part of his sleeve. Then he put one hand on the back of my head. I turned away, "Your jacket, its going to be covered in blood." I said. "I don't care" he whispered with his eyes still focused on the wound. He came closer and then the jacket hit the side of my head. I didn't flinch, I just gazed into his eyes. Then he took his eyes off the wound and into mine and we just stared at each other.  He was still gently blotting the blood. He cleaned off my ear and told me to keep his jacket over my forehead. He picked me up and carried me again and left the skateboards behind us. "The board?" I asked. "Don't worry I'll get you a new one." he said. "I didn't mean mine." I quietly said. "I know." he softly replied. I fell asleep in his arms and when I woke up I was in a small sofa. I  quickly looked around for Josh. He was at a check-in window. I guess we're at a clinic.  When he came back, he took a seat beside me. "Oh hey your awake, how are you feeling?" he asked softly. "Why are we here, I didn't get in a car accident." I moaned. "Just to be on the safe side. You fell pretty hard, and you need a proper bandage on that thing." he said. "Madison Ziegler" a nurse called. Josh walked me over and came in with me. "Hi Madison I'm Dr. Kirk and I heard you had a wound you needed to cover." she said with a smile. "Ya"I almost whispered. "Ok then I'm just going to just run you through a few tests, kinda the procedure around here." she smirks. "Sure" I sweetly said. The lady orded an assistant to get me a bandage, she smiled and flashed a flash light in my eyes. After all the test the assistant came back and brought cotton balls with strips of bandage. "Ok, first we're going to put some alcohol on it." the lady said. "Oh I hate the alcohol,  be brave Maddie it's going to sting." Josh said. I smiled and the lady came at me. It actually didn't sting as much as I thought it would. Josh stood there in awe of me not hurting.  "Ok that wasn't so bad." she said. The assistant dabbed at my wound with cotton balls then taped a strip of flat cotton onto the side of my head with a bandage. "Here is a box of the cotton and bandages we used." Change them out daily and wash the wound every morning and night. Here is a jar of ointment to put on every night after you wash it ok?" she asked. "Okay." I smiled. "Alright thanks, doc." Josh said. "No prob" Dr. Kirk replied. We walked out of the clinic. "Still up for some ice cream?" Josh asked. I looked at my watch it was only 4:45 and I was supposed to get home at 6:00. "Ya I got time." I say. We walk through the streets then suddenly Josh's warm hand tries to find it's way to mine. He locks his fingers in mine, and stares at me. We come to a stand still and Josh tucks my mermaid waves behind my ear which reveals my bandage. I look down at my feet to avoid direct contact. "Um I just hope you and I get to be great friends. I know everyone...." Josh was interupted by Chloe. "Hi Maddie, what are you guys doing here?" she said in a joyful but shaky voice. "Um I was riding on my skateboard with Josh for fun, and we're about to get some ice cream." I said a little hesitant. "Do you mind if I tag along?she asked Josh. "Um... ya no problem." he softly said. As we walked Chloe notices my band-aid. "Oh Maddie your head." she said wide-eyed. "Just a scratch." I smiled at Josh. Chloe who was opposite side of Josh gave me a questioning look. We finally got to our destination and arrived at Ben and Jerry's ice cream shop. "What do you guys want?" Josh asked. "Um I'll have the strawberry cheescake ice cream." Chloe replied. "Maddie?" he asked with a smile that he didn't give Chloe. "Same here, and I brought some cash so just use as much as you need." I said stuffing a 20 dollar bill in his hand. "Nah, I have some money it's fine." he said. I nodded and returned to Chloe "Maddie! What are you doing?" she yell-whispered. "I just gave him a second chance to be friends not a couple he wanted to show me that he's not the guy everyone says he is. Chloe trust me we're just hanging out like you and Nick would. Honestly your the only one making it akward." I said in a nice voice. "I'm sorry Maddie I should trust you more I just saw you holding hands and him tucking your hair back. I just jumped to conclusions, and you reassured me nothing happened with you and Nick on your date. I promise to be a better friend." she said guilty." It's fine Chlo I....."  Josh came back with the ice cream.

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