Chapter 43 - Broken Mask

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Draco sat in between both of his parents and felt his Father's grip on his knee when the Dark Lord entered the room. Severus Snape sat opposite Lucius and he tried to get Lucius or Narcissa's attention so he could ask about his daughter but both Malfoy's kept quiet. The Death Eaters who lined the dining table immediately straightened their posture except for Bellatrix whose eyes widen and followed her master. 

"Where is the girl?"

"She is up in a spare room my Lord," Lucius said, "but-"

"But what Lucius?" Voldemort hissed.

"She is not awake my Lord,"

"Then wake her,"

Lucius hesitated before speaking, "I cannot." He had to be careful with his words. He could not let his beloved wife or son pay any price for his sister in laws actions.

"And how exactly did she become of that state?"

No one spoke. Voldemort lifted his head further down the table to his second in command. "Bellatrix,"

"Yes my Lord?"

"Why cannot Severus's daughter wake?"

"I don't not know my Lord,"

"What did you do?" Snape snapped

"I didn't do anything!" Bellatrix screeched

"QUIET!" Voldemort yelled. "Bellatrix explain what happened before she became how she is,"

"She tried to escape my Lord, so I used the cruciatus curse," Bellatrix bowed her head. Draco felt anger boil in his blood. Aliah did not try to escape, his aunt just wanted revenge. Draco opened his mouth but saw his Mother's gaze and she gently shook her head.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Snape screamed and rose from his seat

"Severus sit down. You should be grateful to Bellatrix. She brought your daughter home, something that you couldn't do,"

Snape sat down and buried his head in his hands.

"Lucius, I want you to inform me as soon as she wakes,"

"Yes my Lord,"

"Excuse me my Lord," a Death Eater from down the table spoke, "but why is the girl so special?"

"Because Yaxley, Aliah Snape has the High Priestess in her. I will bring out the High Priestess and convince her to join us. If not she will die,"

Snape stayed emotionless but the all the Death Eaters looked at one other and thought all the same thing. How can their master control the most powerful sorceress who couldn't even control her own powers and killed pure-bloods?

How can you kill a thousand year old  witch who can't die?

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